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"Oh my Irene, you two are so slow!" I called over my shoulder, adjusting the pack slung over my shoulder with a shake of my head. I heard a mocking whine from behind me before the two boys accompanying me broke into what seemed like giggles. Those two. Maybe it was a bad idea to bring them with me.

"How can we keep up with you when you're walking like there's a fire under your feet?" Travis caught up to me, throwing his arm over my shoulders and squeezing tightly. I snorted, shrugging his arm off halfheartedly while leaning into him at the same time. The past year had shown me just how deep my feelings ran for Travis, and his for me. If I had been asked two years ago if I thought it was possible that I could be falling in love with casanova Travis Valkrum and would be reunited with my brother, I would have laughed for hours. But now, with both of those being reality, I couldn't imagine my life any other way.

"Yeah, come on sis," Kacey teased, bumping into my opposite side as he finally caught up. "We don't have to walk so fast, you know. The village is going to be there, whether we arrive tomorrow or in a week." I sighed, elbowing him in the side until he squirmed away. "Hey!" He whined, sticking his tongue out at me.

Travis, Kacey, and I were all traveling to the village Kace and I had once called home. It had been about twenty years since I had last been there, and, while it was no longer my home, it would always hold a special place in my heart. So I wanted to go back at least one more time, and show Travis the village of my youth, as well as remember my childhood with Kacey. I knew that after so long, it was unlikely that my dad was still alive. My mom, I had no idea about; she had left when Kace was only four, myself being three years older.

"Gross, Kacey, I just realized that you're twelve years older than me now." Kacey gagged, stumbling away and putting a hand over his eyes.

"Eww, that's awful! No, you're still my older sister, no matter what time says." I laughed, and Travis slipped his arm from my shoulders to my waist, pulling me in tight. He kissed my forehead, and I rested my head against his shoulder. "Even worse, you two need to stop being so cute together." I rolled my eyes at him, unable to hide the smirk on my lips.

"So Katy," Travis began after a few minutes of us walking in silence along the path. "I don't think you ever told me why you left your village in the first place all those years ago." Kacey looked over at me, and I could tell that he was dying to know the answer as well. I sighed, looking up at the sun.

"I guess we better stop for lunch anyway; I'll explain then, alright?"Travis looked satisfied with my answer for the moment, and Kacey began scouting ahead for a place to stop. Travis pulled me closer into his side, and I appreciated the silent support he offered me. Irene, Travis has really changed over the past year. Well, I guess it started when I first had that dream. So I guess I have Kace to thank for Travis finally showing his true colors.Weird, I only refrain from saying Irene when Aphmau is around. Otherwise, it's like I don't know the Lady Irene.

About ten minutes later, we were arrayed in a clearing a few feet away from the road, munching on sandwiches Nana had prepared for us the day before. I could tell Kacey was looking at me, waiting for me to begin my story while not wanting to push me into it. I took a deep breath, leaning back against the rough bark of the tree behind me as I prepared to tell my tale.

"Seven yea- well, I guess twenty-two years for you two, that still bothers me to no end, but whatever. Anyway, twenty-two years ago, I was living at home in Ilirea with you and Dad, Kace. That's the name of our village. Ilirea. It's very small, and practically no one knows where it is. You could go to the nearest village to Ilirea and ask the people there where it was, and no one would be able to give you the slightest clue." I smiled inwardly at the memory of my childhood village, glancing up to see Kace doing the same.

"Anyway, I was about seventeen at the time, and I was a guard. Not like our village really needed guards, but it was nice to have protection against the wild animals. But again, I'm stalling." Travis snorted, taking another bite of his sandwich as he kept his attention focused solely on me. I shifted, feeling bark digging into my back before continuing. "I was really bored one afternoon, so I was wandering the forest for hours. And... I must have wandered too far because I ran into a party from O'khasis. The High Priest was with them." I shuddered at the memory, unable to say his name out loud. The first time I had met Zane Ro'Meave, not knowing how my actions that afternoon would impact the rest of my life.

"Stop! Identify yourself!" I froze, heart hammering as I saw the large party of soldiers gathered on the road before me. I cursed, clenching my fists to hide the trembling. How could you have been so stupid to just wander into them?! Stupid idiot! "Identify yourself!" The soldier shouted again, brandishing his sword and taking a step closer towards me.

I gulped, raising my head to stare the man straight in the eyes. "Katelyn of Ilirea." I rested my hand lightly on the hilt of my sword, knowing that the attention of the soldiers would immediately follow the motion. "As a guard of the village, may I ask what you are doing in these parts?"

"I think the more pressing question," a cool voice spoke out, "is what you are doing so far away from Ilirea and so close to O'khasis?" A new man cut his way through the soldiers, obviously a man of power from the way he held himself and the way the soldiers quickly backed down. The white cross on his chest should have been a dead giveaway. He mock-bowed, the single ice blue eye cutting me down to the core. "Zane Ro'Meave, High Priest of O'khasis."

Fear clenched my heart, and I took a step back. Nothing scared me, but everything I knew about this man made me want to run and scream. He smirked when he saw recognition flash through my eyes, straightening up to take me in. "I was wandering in the forest, and must have gone too far. I'll, I'll be leaving now." I tried to back up, running straight into the chest of a soldier who had someone come around behind me. He grabbed my right arm, and by instinct I fought back. Within a few moments he was disarmed and on the ground, my sword drawn before me to ward off any other attackers. The soldiers had also drawn their weapons, surrounding the High Priest to protect him from whatever I did next.

I watched as the High Priest smirked, keeping his eye trained on me with no fear in his eyes. "No, I think you'll be coming with us, Katelyn. I have an offer for you that you just cannot refuse. After all, I think your family in Ilirea would much prefer you disappearing then, say, something tragic happening to them, no?" I knew fire raced through my eyes, but nothing could portray the feelings racing through my mind. I have to go with him. It doesn't matter what he's going to do to me. I won't let anyone go near Kacey.

He seemed to sense my change of heart, the smirk growing ever larger. He motioned to his men, and they swarmed forward, taking my weapons away before forcing me to start marching. Away from the only home I've ever known. Going towards a future that would leave me forever changed.

I bit my lip as I finished my tale, glancing up only briefly at the two men who had just heard my story. Kacey's face only held shock, his sandwich long forgotten. Travis smiled sadly, probably wishing that I had never had to go through what I did.

I didn't tell them anything else about what had happened in the two years between Zane forcing me to join his Jury of Nine and when I landed in Phoenix Drop for the first time. I had done a lot of things for him, but only because of the constant threat of him knowing where my family was. I couldn't risk the lives of my family for my own safety; I settled for ruining my own life to protect those I loved.

Before I knew what was happening, Travis had moved to one side of me, wrapping his arms around my waist and holding on tight. Kacey moved to my other side, holding my hand like he was afraid of losing me again. I smiled, closing my eyes and sighing. None of that matters. Not as long as I have these two.

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