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As I stalked through the underbrush, I praised the Six that spring meant no leaves to crunch under my boots. My sword was drawn, and I held it close to my chest, moving my feet ever so slowly. There he was, just feet away, with absolutely no idea of what was about to happen to him...

Ever since the events that changed everything last year, I had devoted my life to tracking every last one of Zane Ro'Meave's followers, making sure that his blight on this region was wiped out completely. And now, nearly a year later, I was almost done with my mission.

The minute Alice killed Zane, well, exploded him really, everyone there with Zane had vanished. They knew they wouldn't survive a minute in that village, especially with everyone in the mood for revenge. So they all scattered, ending up all over the region. And after spending so long in the company of Zane and some of his men, I knew that his death wouldn't be the end to it. Eventually, they would all regroup and attempt to accomplish what he could not. So, I set out after them.

After one night spent in Phoenix Drop, I was on my way. I... I had meant to see Cadenza before I left but... deep down I still blamed myself for the way her life had gone. Knowing that she was alive and recovering was good enough for me. I actually hadn't said goodbye to anyone before I set out. I knew that if I had told Laurance my plans, he would have wanted to join me and, after so long spent away from the friends he so obviously loved, I figured the best option was to disappear without a trace.

It had taken me nearly two months to find one of Zane's followers, but eventually I found her, hiding somewhere in Scaleswind. After I caught her, I had spent a long time deciding what to do with her. Should I turn her in to the Lord of Scaleswind and let them decide? Should I just kill her where she sat? Finally, I guess that Shadow Knight still in me forced its way to the front, and my decision was made for me.

Ever since then, I had traversed the region countless times, sometimes going weeks without finding anyone. But I knew all of Zane's followers by heart, and I knew that the man I was currently stalking was the very last of them. After that... who knows? Maybe I'll go back to Phoenix Drop and live the life I was so jealous of Laurance for having. Or at the very least, reconcile with my siblings.

I was so caught up in the life I might have, that I completely forgot about the one I was currently living. My foot landed hard on a stick, and the resounding crunch caused the man I was almost on top of to grab his sword and bolt out of the clearing he had been camping in. I cursed, colorful words leaving my mouth in a continuous river as I raced after him, sword now out in front of me. I'd be damned before I let this one escape when I was so close.


Two hours and nearly five miles later, I was finally wiping the blood off my blade. I was back at the camp my victim had been in before I had intervened, finding it a good place to spend the night. I sighed, sliding my sword back into its sheath. Finally, I was done with my hunt. I could hang my sword up for a while and just enjoy life. It was going to be weird, not having this constant mission urging me on every second of the day. But it was going to be nice.

Dousing the fire, I lay down in the dirt, my cloak keeping my clothes from being in direct contact with the dust. Through the gaps in the trees, I could see stars beaming down, their light illuminating the forest around me. Using my pack as a pillow, I settled down for the night, losing myself in my thoughts.

Irene, was it only a year and a half that the only emotion regarding Laurance was hate? Looking back on it, I knew it wasn't his fault for the fate that had befallen me. If he had still been in Meteli, the soldiers would have just killed him too. But at least then, I wouldn't have become what I am. Maybe he wouldn't have either.

We all had changed in those months we spent traversing the countryside, blindly following wherever Zane forced us to go. I think I really let go of my anger towards Laurance when Cadenza started suffering. We both still cared for her so much; no matter how we felt towards each other, we were not going to let anything happen to our beloved sister. The three of us had grown closer as siblings, and I realized just how wrong I was to let revenge fuel my actions. There are so many good things in this world, and to let hate and anger and sorrow ruin that is to destroy all that so many people fought to preserve. I may have lost a lot all those years ago, but I had gained it all back and more just within these past 18 months. And I would have done anything to protect it.

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