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A pounding on the guard house door broke my concentration as I sharpened my sword, and I cursed when it slipped and cut open my palm. Still cursing, I clenched my hand into a fist before leaving my sword on the nearby table and heading to the door. Standing at the door was Malachi, and not for the first time, it still surprised me how much he looked like Vylad. Even if Vylad hadn't been back to Phoenix Drop since he brought Thalia almost three years ago.

"Malachi?" I questioned, leaning on the door. He ran his hand through his brown hair quickly, and I realized he was as confused as I was.

"Mom needs us at the Capital Island. I already asked Kyle to take over your duties today, so grab your sword and let's go." I nodded, grabbing a cloth off of the table at the same time as I sheathed my sword. Together, Malachi and I walked through the streets of Phoenix Drop, meeting up with Levin by the portal. I couldn't help but marvel at how much the two boys had grown up since the days Aphmau had first brought them back to her little village by the sea. Even if it had been more than eighteen years, I still remembered the poor little ghost we had found in that moving castle, and the little boy he had quickly grown to love as a brother.

"Do you have any idea what this could be about?" I asked, and Levin shrugged, obviously wracking his mind for whatever it could be.

"I honestly have no idea. But I assume it has to be something concerning the entire Alliance if she asked us to come to the island. Any other reason and she would come to our house herself." I nodded along with him, I had a growing suspicion of the real reason behind this call, but I sincerely hoped that I was dead wrong. Because if I wasn't...

All of my fears were proven right when we arrived at Aphmau's house several long minutes later. Zoey was at the door to let us in, and I knew that the same thoughts I had earlier were running through her head when she saw her boys all grownup. She smiled briefly, giving each of us a hug as we entered the building. Already inside were Lucinda and Aphmau, of course, and I saw the witch setting up mirrors which I knew to be enchanted and connected to other mirrors the members of the Alliance all had. The lady nodded as she saw us, her face breaking into a grin as she caught sight of her sons. I greeted Lucinda, and she smiled tightly as she responded. Obviously, she knows what is going on.

The next to arrive were Garroth and Laurance, looking just as confused as the rest of us. Katelyn and Travis would have joined us, but they were still on their visit to Iliria. Within ten minutes, we were gathered in the dining room; the eight of us were all at different seats around the table, and arrayed in the different mirrors were Cadenza, Nicole, Hailey, the Lord of Pikoro, and John, the Lord of Bright Port. All of the members of the Phoenix Alliance were here at that meeting. I really knew then that something was wrong.

"Thank you all for meeting with us on such short notice," Aphmau began, ever the proper Lady that she tried to pretend she wasn't. "But I've just received so urgent news from my friend in the Sacred Forest. Your mother actually," she nodded towards Garroth, although Lucinda sat right next to him and she could have meant either. "I've been informed that Tula is on the move."

My heart sank as my worst fears were realized, the entire group growing silent as everyone realized the implications of what the lady had just said. "You mean," Hailey spoke up, "that after over three years, the bastards who captured O'khasis are on their way towards us?" Aphmau nodded, and we all grew silent once more.

"Did your source tell you if they were already in the Sacred Forest, or if they were just beginning to assemble their forces?" This time Cadenza spoke, her fears well founded, seeing as her village was the closest to O'khasis. None of our villages were near the city, all the way across the giant Forest. But out of the six of us, she was definitely the closest. And Lady Cadenza had already been through enough in the past two years alone.

"Their troops are gathering in O'khasis, with more ships coming over by the minute." I watched Cadenza's face as she nodded, trying to hide the fear I was positive she felt. All of us at this point felt that same fear. The only thing I could think at this time however was how smug Katelyn was going to be when she learned about Tula.

"Dante," Lord John's voice interrupted my thoughts, and I looked away from where I had zoned out staring at Lady Cadenza to look at the Lord. "You probably have the most experience out of all of us. What do you suggest we do to prepare for this?"

I rubbed the back of my neck, knowing that, despite the severity of the situation, Garroth and Laurance were probably laughing internally about the subtle reference to my age. "Well, I believe that the best course of action is to send a patrol through the forest to scout out Tula's position. We need to know where they are and when they start to move."

I watched the lords nod as they saw the sense in my suggestion. Lucinda began to speak from across the table. "I'll go with the patrol to guide them through the forest. Hopefully my mom will be able to help us." I smiled at her, and Lady Aphmau pushed herself to her feet.

"If we are going to send a scouting party, I suggest we send a small group through the Forest. Dante, Laurance, Garroth? I would like for you three to accompany Lucinda and find out as much as you can about these troops." She glanced at the other lords, making sure they were all on board with her plan.

I dipped my head towards her when I didn't see any objections from the mirrors, and I saw out of the corner of my eye Garroth and Laurance doing the same. "Of course, Lady Aphmau." Lucinda smiled, hitting her fist against the side of her thigh with the nerves of wanting to go as fast as possible. Only in these meetings would Lucinda be so formal; as soon as the other lords were gone, she'd be back to teasing Aphmau like the old friends we all were. "We'll leave before the week is out," she addressed us, and in the background of my mind, I heard Aphmau begin to speak to the other lords again. But the only thing running through my mind at that moment was that this was actually happening. After so long of hearing nothing from that city across the forest, they were finally beginning the plot they must have been planning since they first invaded. And I couldn't help but wonder what that meant for the future of Phoenix Drop. And what that meant for the little family I had right here in this village.

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