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Another day spent in the shop with Evelyn and Kacey, and I couldn't be happier. Even though my two oldest friends kept me distracted all day when I should be cleaning or tending to patients, I couldn't find it in me to kick them out. Although some days they certainly bothered me enough that I considered it. Especially when Laurance also came to visit. Granted, he hadn't been around in a few weeks because of his mission he was on, but I knew that as soon as he returned, he would continue to make my work day as long as possible.

Evelyn and Kace were currently laughing in the kitchen while I finished up tending to some scrapes on Alina. She and Lilith had thought it would be a good idea to run through the forest earlier this morning, and the poor girl had fallen straight into brambles, Lilith jumping in right after her. Lilith was already patched up and bothering Zoey, Alina itching to join her sister. Even at almost two years old, she was hyper and excited, babbling and wanting to belong to the world. She didn't even seem bothered by the scratches covering her arms and legs, although Zoey had promised that there was plenty of crying when it first happened.

"Alright, sweetie, you're good to go." I stood up, brushing the dust off of my knees. Alina grinned at me, looking just like her mother, although it was rare to see Lady Aphmau so carefree anymore. Alina slid off the bed, waddling over the Zoey and wrapping her arms around the elf's leg. Zoey laughed, picking up the girl and smiling at me.

"Thank you, Thalia. I'll be sure to keep a closer eye on them next time." I laughed, walking them to the door. With one last wave, I shut the door with a click, sighing and letting my head hit the heavy wood. The day was only half over, yet it felt like it had already dragged on for hours. I was ready for bed.

"Thalia!" Kacey's voice rang out, and with a groan, I pushed off of the door and headed for the kitchen where my two best friends were probably causing trouble. And as I walked into the room, I was shocked to find a complete disaster zone, taking up every inch of my kitchen floor.

"What is this?" I cried, and Evelyn grinned up at me, Kacey laughing behind her.

With this war coming up, we thought we should make some packs or kits so you can have easy access to materials or supplies in case you need them during the fighting. Evelyn's hands flew, and I barely kept up with the words she was saying. She must have seen the brief confusion in my eyes, her smile increasing. Kace definitely did, his laughter growing louder. I rolled my eyes at them, moving a pile of bandages off of the counter to make enough room to sit.

I watched them work for several silent minutes, seeing the system they had put into place work efficiently. Eventually I sighed, swinging my legs, immediately stopping after my heels drove straight into the cabinets behind. Evelyn glanced up, a knowing look in her eyes. I rolled my eyes again, snorting at her ability to read my thoughts.

"Yes, I'm bored. What of it?"

"You could help us make these kits. They're for your benefit after all."

"And why would I want to interrupt this system you've got going? Besides, you two have done nothing but bother me these past few weeks. It's time for you to start paying me back."

Evelyn rocked back on her heels, giving me a stare that had me cackling. Kacey threw a towel at me, and I was too busy laughing to avoid the cloth that hit me straight in the face. Soon all three of us were giggling and wheezing, throwing towels and bandages and anything soft at each other. I had fallen off the counter a long time ago, leading to another loud and long bout of laughter.

It was times like these that I would truly miss as soon as Tula arrived. There is no time for laughter during war, no time for silly moments spent with friends. I didn't want to be a part of this war in any way. Hadn't I given enough? Wasn't dying for one's village, being forced to serve the Shadow Knights, then fighting one's way out of hell enough suffering for one lifetime? I still shuddered to think about the day Vylad had rescued me from the very pits of hell over two years ago. 

There was a reason why the Shadow Knights had resurrected me as one of them. I had been 'blessed,' as my father had called it, with a form of magick that was extremely rare. I had never used the magick after I had first discovered it, but somehow, the demons knew about it. That's why they had stormed Sterica. They wanted me because of my ability to open and close portals. Every time I did it, it drained my powers, as well as my life force, leaving me with less and less each time to open a new one. The Knights never forced me to use this power because they were waiting for the perfect time, yet before they could use me, Vylad found me. He recognized the position I was in, and, together, we fought our way out of the fortress until I was able to open a portal and the two of us disappeared from the Nether.

There was a reason that I hadn't mentioned this ability to Aphmau yet. I could feel it in my core; if I opened another portal, I would lose my life in the process. I wanted to help her, but I was so scared of dying that it held my tongue every time I saw her. And this was the very reason why, most of the time, I didn't think about it. 

So, most of the time, I didn't think about it.

Kacey seemed to guess the direction my mind was starting to drift, and he threw another towel at my head. I batted it away, letting a laugh escape and filling the room. My gaze eventually drifted from the faces of my friends to see the entire room, and I started giggling again as I realized what a mess we had made.

Evelyn snapped her fingers, getting my attention so I could watch her hands. Thanks for distracting us, Thalia. Somehow, even with just signs from her fingers, I could feel the intense sarcasm she was throwing my way. I stuck my tongue out at her, tossing whatever was closest straight at her. She blocked it, her raspy laugh breaking the silence.

"Come on," I sighed, pushing up to my knees. "Guess we better clean this mess up." Kacey groaned, rolling onto his back and refusing to help.

"Can't we do something better? Like..." he trailed off, running his hands through his hair for a brief second before flashing us a grin. "What about this guy who's been hanging around a lot, huh? Evelyn's been telling me a lot about how often Laurance comes to visit."

My face heated, and I threw a look at Evelyn. She shrugged, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "He's my friend! I'm allowed to have friends, aren't I? I mean, you're hanging out here all the time!" Kacey laughed, sitting up with a smirk.

"Alright, Thalia. If that's what you want to keep telling us, then go ahead."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I retorted, throwing yet another towel at his face. He kept laughing, finally helping me and Evelyn clean up the mess we made during our throwback to our childhood, ignoring the glaring danger of Tula that was approaching.

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