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Two weeks after we returned from Iliria, I was back on the road again. Although, this time, it was Lady Aphmau and I traveling to New Meteli, only a few hours away from Phoenix Drop, in order to visit Cadenza. I tried to make an effort every month or so to visit the Lady whose life I had saved a little over a year ago, as well as to see the friends I had made in the village when I had been a guard there for a few months, still looking for my dear sister. Who would've known that just a day away in Phoenix Drop, I would've found both my sister and one of my oldest friends. And Evelyn had appeared a month ago, and I couldn't be happier to be reunited with her.

"How are you liking Phoenix Drop, Kacey?" I looked over to the lady on the horse besides mine, and I smiled at her. Looking at her dressed in armor and a style of clothing she had obviously taken from my sister, I couldn't see the goddess she was supposed to be. There were moments when she had an air about her that could only be described as ethereal, power lurking behind the skin covering her bones. But the rest of the time, she was just the leader of an alliance, one of my sister's best friends, and a Lord I could be proud to work under.

I realized I hadn't answered her yet, and I quickly began to change that. "Oh, Phoenix Drop is wonderful, truly! I didn't think I would ever find another village like Sterica, one that welcomed me so wholeheartedly, but, I've definitely found that here. Well," I amended, "I think that finding Katelyn and Thalia and now Evelyn has helped."

She laughed along with me, patting the side of her horse's neck when it shook it's mane. "I'm sure. But I'm glad you like Phoenix Drop. Even if I'm not the lord anymore, it still holds a special place in my heart." The look in her eyes told me that she was thinking about the years past spent building Phoenix Drop from basically the ground up. She blinked rapidly, chasing away the clouds to offer me yet another soft smile. "I'm also glad to see that you have remained so close to the people of New Meteli. Especially Cadenza." Her voice dropped off now, the glimmer of laughter leaving her chocolate eyes. "And I suppose I'll never stop thanking you for saving her last year."

I couldn't help ducking my head, avoiding her gaze. "And I'll never stop saying it was nothing. Even if she hadn't been Lady Cadenza, I still would have saved her."

"That's why I'm so grateful." Her voice was still low, emotions swirling throughout the tones that I couldn't quite understand. "To know that there are people like you in this world." I kept my head down, knowing that my cheeks were burning fiercely from her words of praise. Nothing else was said until the gates leading to New Meteli rose before us, and I immediately slowed my mount to a walk, approaching the two guards standing on either side of the metal barrier. I raised my hand in greeting to Cloud and the woman standing across the gate, earning a smile from the pair.

"It's good to see you, Kacey." I nodded, dismounting before offering my hand to help Aphmau do the same. Amusement danced in her eyes as she took my hand, both of us knowing perfectly well that she could've done it all by herself. "And Lady I-Aphmau! To what do we owe this pleasure?" Cloud started blustering, all of us catching his almost mess up, and he paused only when Aphmau reached her hand towards him, wishing to calm him.

"Relax Cloud. I only wished to see Cadenza; it's been a while since I've seen her. And remember," she added with a smile, "I'm still the same woman you met all those years ago when I first came to New Meteli. I know things have changed, but don't let them change too much." He nodded, a blush creeping over his tan skin as he avoided Aphmau's eyes.

"Of course, ma'am. Do you need me to take you to Lady Cadenza, or-?"

"Kacey can show me the way," Aphmau interrupted gently, reaching over to pat him gently on the shoulder before motioning me to lead the way. I took the reins of her horse from her, unable to hide the grin I had been trying to hide since Cloud had first begun to embarrass himself. Aphmau shook her head at my expression, a gentler smile crossing her face.

"I'm guessing you get that often." She shook her head lightly in disbelief.

"You can't begin to imagine the amount of people that years ago treated me like just a person, and now... well, now I don't know what I am, but I certainly do not want to be whoever all these people are bowing and scraping to. I might literally be Lady Irene, yes, but I have been Aphmau since Vylad used that staff in the forest. And ever since then, I've been a loyal servant to the people of Phoenix Drop. I wish people could see that." I didn't know what to say to that, so I offered her a smile as we emerged from the tunnel, the bustle of life in New Meteli assaulting us with the first steps we took. Together, we paused for a few moments, taking in the village before us.

"Kacey! Aphmau! Oh, I'm so glad to see you both!" Hurrying across the village square was the woman we had come to see, fire streaming from her head as the wind picked up. Her arms were open in welcome, and I let Aphmau step forward to greet her as I held back with the two horses, looking for a stable or a place to tether them. The two Lords embraced, and I could see the years melt away, both imagining their life as it had been twenty years ago, back when the two had been living in the tiny village of Phoenix Drop.

"Oh Cadenza, it's so nice to see you, too. It's been a long time since we've seen each other." Cadenza pulled away from Aphmau, a warm smile lighting up her face. The two women continued talking, but not before Cadenza threw me a look over her shoulder, eyes twinkling as she motioned for me to join them at her house. I nodded, giving her a smile in return as I led the horses towards the stable by the guardhouse, looking forward to a day spent with friends in Meteli.

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