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The sun was setting over the ocean, and I realized that I hadn't seen such a beautiful sight in too long. Well, unless you count the beauty that was my girlfriend, but I was talking about natural beauty. The beauty that takes your breath away and makes you wonder why we still fight and kill and die when we could just lay our weapons down and watch the sunset. Maybe watch the waves crash over the sands on an abandoned beach.

Sitting on the porch outside of our house, I let the wonder of the sunset envelop me until I forgot all about our worries that kept Katelyn up late into the night. She thought I didn't know, but every time she shifted, every time she turned over and stared at the ceiling in thought, I wanted to wrap my arms around her and shield her from all of the stress that would eventually break her in half.

Speaking of her, the door behind me opened almost silently, and footsteps made their way towards me. Smiling, I pushed myself up from the steps, turning around to look at Katelyn. What I saw almost took my breath away. Her pale blue hair was loose like normal, but it must have been the fading light that made the strands glow with an inner light, making her face shine. She wasn't wearing her armor but instead a simple dress that rivaled the color of a cloud on a bright summer's day. It fell to her knees and flowed around her body gently, hiding the curves that she never seemed to show.

A smile lit up her face as she joined me at the end of the porch. I leaned down and kissed her lightly before grinning at her. "You look gorgeous." She snorted when I winked at her, bumping my shoulder with her own.

"It's nothing special. I'm sure the others are dressed up a lot more than I am." Her soft voice struck a chord in my chest, and I twined my fingers through hers before bringing her hand to my lips. She laughed as I kissed it, keeping my eyes locked on hers the entire time. I pulled her close against my chest, my free arm wrapping around her waist gently. She laughed again, the sound muffled slightly by my shirt. I pressed a kiss against her forehead, holding her against me and just enjoying the feel of her body clasped against mine. She looked up at me, her crystal blue eyes sparkling in the evening light.

I smiled, resting my forehead against hers. "I love you," I whispered into her hair, and the quiet words washed over the two of us in a warm wave, bringing new light to my heart just from uttering the phrase. She hummed, giving me one last squeeze before pulling away, looking towards the ocean.

"We should get going. We don't want to be late tonight." Letting out an overly exaggerated sigh, I allowed her to pull me off of the porch and towards the center of town. We kept our hands intertwined as the new buildings of Phoenix Drop surrounded us. It was crazy how quickly Phoenix Drop had exploded into a booming port town, the center of trade and worship. There were some many people that I had never seen before, the complete opposite of the village comprised of all of Aphmau's close friends and family. Now it seemed that most of the city was composed of Irene fanatics and those seeking a new way in life. Nonetheless, Phoenix Drop was still and will forevermore be my home.

Katelyn and I walked past all of the new buildings and shops and homes, instead heading straight to the edge of the beautiful city. The branches of the giant Yggdrasil Tree towered over everything, casting shadows over buildings and smaller trees in the area. Every time I saw the Tree I was reminded of simpler times when it had just been the twenty or so of us living in the village. It was a symbol of power and peace, and I prayed that it would be still standing many eons after the rest of us had left this earth.

At the edge of the wheat fields, Kiki's old barn rose up, towering over all other buildings in the area. The inside was glowing and already the sounds of laughter and joy floated out of the open doorway. Fairy lights hung from every wall and corner, and small decorations the children had made were scattered throughout. Tables and chairs lined the walls, along with tables covered in all kinds of delicious foods. A small crowd was already gathered in the center of the building, but I could tell right away that Aphmau wasn't there yet. Wherever she was, she always brought a joyous feeling to the air.

Katelyn spotted Nicole and left my side almost immediately, squeezing my hand before she let it drop back to my side. I smiled at her retreating form before moving through the throng of people in search of my longtime friends. I spotted them standing by the far wall, each holding a bottle of rootbeer in one hand and leaning back against the wall. I grabbed my own refreshment before joining them, lifting my hand in greeting as I approached.

"Travis! It's so good to see you again!" Garroth gave me a grin, his blonde hair tousled and blue eyes sparkling. He looked casual enough, but there was a mist in his eyes, almost as if his mind wasn't quite here with the rest of us. Nonetheless, I smiled back at him before nodding at the other three. Laurance had his foot propped up against the wall, head leaning back so his chesnut hair fell away from the baby blue of his eyes. Dante had his arm around Richard, both grinning with a sparkle in their eyes. I lifted my hand in greeting, about to reply when a call went through the crowd.

"She's coming!"

Love Can Save {An Aphmau Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now