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"Cadenza seemed a lot better today," Kacey called out, shooting me a glance from atop his horse. I nodded, my own horse plodding steadily on beside him. I had spent some time with Kacey in the past four months, both of us united in our concern for Cadenza and our friendship with Katelyn and Laurance. We accompanied each other occasionally on visits to New Meteli or back to Phoenix Drop, and it was nice to not be on my own during the hours of travel.

"She's doing very well for it being the middle of winter," I replied, shaking my head to clear the snowflakes from my hair. It had only started snowing an hour or so ago, but I was desperate to get back to the Capital Island, where this winter weather couldn't reach us. The weather there was chilly, but there was no frost or snow which made all the difference. I had enough snow last year in the company of Zane Ro'Meave.

"I think Zach is doing his best to keep their house as warm as it can possibly be. But... considering she almost died, I think her current state is the best we could hope for." Kacey wrapped his cloak tighter around his shoulders, clearly as against the weather as I myself was. "Phoenix Drop is about an hour away at this pace."

I nodded, not having the energy to form words. Not that any words were needed. I heard his statement and acknowledged it. That was all that was required.

A few minutes later, a new sound cut through the familiar hoofbeats and snowfall. One quick glance over at Kacey showed that he heard the change as well. Sitting up in the saddle, I scanned the landscape around us. It took a few passes until I identified the source far behind us.

I cursed loudly, jerking my horse's head to the side in order to get as close to Kacey as I could. "Behind us!" I hissed, and he twisted.

"I don't understand," he murmured, worry flashing through his eyes.

"That cloud of dust can only mean that a great number of people is coming down this road, and they are headed the same way we are."

I watched as Kacey went from confusion to comprehension in a flash. "Tu'la." My chin jerked into a nod, and he cursed just as I had. "You ride on ahead to Phoenix Drop to warn them. I'll tell Lady Cadenza to try and rally our forces so we can help you fight them off. Go!" Nodding, I urged my horse into a gallop, taking off down the road as fast as I could.


"Hello?! Dante?! Katelyn?!" I shouted at the top of my lungs as I pulled heavily on the reins, forcing my horses to stop. He was heaving under me, and some small part of me wished that my haste hadn't been at the expense of this beautiful creature.

"Emma? What's going on?" The white face of a girl, Alexis, leaned over the wall.

"Open the gate now, Alexis! Do it!" Alexis hesitated for a moment before vanishing. Moments later, the gate began to creak and groan as the heavy wooden timbers were raised. I was through as soon as there was enough space, and shouting up for them to close the gate immediately and seal it.

Once I was sure my instructions were understood, I was off again, urging my horse on down the cobble path. I weaved between groups of strangers walking through the village, hearing startled exclamations follow my progress.

I found Dante walking the streets, an exhausted air evident in the slump of his shoulders and the slight drag of his heels. He looked up in shock as I stopped before him, sliding off my horse's back in an instant.

"Emma, what the hel-"

"I need you to gather every guard we have immediately. Get everyone from the Island, from the village, send word to Bright Port and New Meteli." Dante's eyes flashed, and he stepped closer in order to keep his words hidden from the rest of the village.

"Is it what we've feared?" A quick and desperate nod was all it took for Dante to look worried. He inhaled sharply, backing away from me. "How long do we have?"

"We were at the edge of the forest when we spotted them," I replied, not bothering to make a wrong guess at the distance and time. Dante bit his lip, weighing the problem in his mind.

"So we have about two hours. Maybe more, depending on how slow their travel is. Irene, what I wouldn't give for Lucinda right now." He shook his head, clearing all excess thoughts from his racing mind. "Emma, bring those horses to Kiki's barn and tell any guard you see to meet at the gate. Everyone else you see needs to get to the Portal and go to the Island for safety." He looked around worriedly, catching sight of someone. "Madeline! Come here and listen to what Emma has to tell you." I explained everything as quickly as possible, watching her expression grow more and more concerned. "Maddy, go to the Island and explain everything as quickly as you can." We both nodded and split up. I had a vague memory of the barn on the tours Laurance had given me of Phoenix Drop, as well as the night I had spent wandering the village in search of my brother.

After a minute or two of trying to push my way through the crowd, I simply pulled myself back into the saddle and pushed the horse onto a trot through the streets. All the while, I never stopped my cry: "Guards, you're needed by the gate! Everyone else, go to the Island now! Guards, you're wanted at the gate!"

I must've gotten turned around, because I ended up by the outer wall of the village again. Here there was dead grass covered by a heavy sheet of white, some parts still unbroken by footsteps. Frustrated, I started to urge my horse on before I was stopped by a flash of green and yellow by the wall on my right.

"Garroth!" I called out, recognizing the tall guard by his shock of blonde hair. Curiously, he was only garbed in jeans and a green jacket, winter cloak pulled tightly around his frame. I don't think I've ever seen Garroth out of his armor before.

He looked up in confusion, my voice not recognizable yet from the little interactions we'd had. "Emma?" He crossed the snowy path quickly, hands shoved deep into his pockets as he seemed to blatantly ignore the small structure behind him. If I didn't know better, I would say it looked like a grave...

"Get on the horse." I leaned down and reached out my hand to him, ignoring the surprise that crossed his rough features. "We need to find Kiki's barn, and then we need to get to the gates. Tu'la's on their way."

Love Can Save {An Aphmau Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now