I Love You

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You and Daniel have been dating for 5 months now. He told you he loved you a few weeks ago, when you were watching the sunset together. But to be honest you really really liked him, but you didn't know if you loved him yet?? "Baby" Daniel kisses your cheek. "Corbyn and I are going shoe shopping. We'll be back later" you kiss him quick. "Ok have fun, and make sure Corbyn doesn't buy five pairs like last time" you laugh and Corbyn rolls his eyes. "I couldn't figure out what color I wanted, so I got all of them" he shrugs and they leave. You sit on the couch and turn on The Vampire Diaries. "Time to binge watch all the seasons again" you press play and are halfway through the second episode when Jack comes downstairs. "Hey Y/n" you have your attention on the tv. "Hey" he sits beside you and you're attention is 100% on the show, until he puts his hand on your thigh. You look down but back up at the TV. He squeezes and you pause the episode. "Can you not" you remove his hand and he smirks. "But babe" he wines. "I'm not your babe" you state and cross your arms. "Oh you're going to regret this babygirl" you sigh and he gets up. Jack always hits on you and you try to ignore it, but you just can't. He knows you're with Daniel, but he still doesn't back off. Speaking of Daniel. The door opens and Corbyn has 2 bags. "Daniel?!" You look at him and he shrugs. "You told me to make sure he didn't get 5" you shake your head. "So I got four" Corbyn smiles and heads to his room. "Really Seavey??" You raise an eyebrow and he puts his hands on your waist and pulls you close. He kisses down your neck and you sigh. "Ugh...why do you always know my weakness" he smiles. You look and see Jack winking at you. You pull away and Daniel looks worried. "Are you ok Princess??" you nod. "I'm just tired.." you yawn and he smiles. You head upstairs and Daniel follows behind. You get into bed and Daniel kisses you before joining the boys downstairs. A few hours later you wake up and see a sleeping shirtless Daniel. You smirk and get up slowly. You close the door behind you and head downstairs to get some water. (Because you thirsty) You fill up the glass and feel arms wrap around your waist. "Dani..baby" you turn and go wide eyed. 

"Jack?!" he smirks. "Hey babygirl" you step back and are pressed up against the counter. "You can't run.." he steps closer so you are pressed up against him. You can feel his bulge start to grow and you bite your lip. "What do you want Avery?!" You look him dead in the eyes. "Isn't it obvious?? I want you babygirl" he starts kissing up and down your neck. Shoot. You want to push him away but you don't. His lips feel so good against your skin. A small moan escapes your lips and you feel him smirk. He pulls away and looks at you. "See I know you want me too" You bite your lip and shake your head. "N-no y-you're wrong" he raises an eyebrow. "then how come you stuttered??" You close your eyes and sigh "Screw it" you say and smash your lips against his. He goes shocked but kisses back. You pull away and he licks his lips. "Wow..that was better than I thought" you smile. He lets you pass and you go back to Daniel's room. As you laid down Daniel's arm found its way to your waist and pulled you close. You smile but couldn't stop thinking about Jack. He made you feel different..in a good way. A way that you never felt with Daniel...what could this mean??

The next morning you wake up and move to snuggle with Daniel. You feel nothing and lift your head to see a half made bed. "Ugh..I wanted to cuddle" you groan and get out of bed. You walk downstairs and yawn. All the boys are in the music room. "Morning Princess" Daniel smiles. You smile back and make eye contact with Jack. You look away blushing and head to the kitchen. You sit down and pick at the strawberries in the counter. "Hey Babygirl" you jump and Jack sits beside you. "A little jumpy this morning aren't we??" He smirks. "N-no" you reply and look away. He puts his hand on your thigh. "J-Jack what are you-" "Hey Princess" Daniel kisses you on the cheek and walks to the fridge. You thought Jack would take a hint but he squeezes your thigh. You bite your lip and Daniel turns around smiling. "Are you ok??" He raises an eyebrow. You look at Jack, then back to him. "Yeah...I'm just hoping we would get to cuddle this morning" he walks over to you and Jack removes his hand. "We can cuddle later tonight" he hugs you and whispers in your ear "and maybe more then cuddling" you go wide eyed and see Jack glare at Daniel. "Umm...well" you say and he kisses you on the forehead before leaving. You look down smiling and bite your lip. "He's adorable" You say plopping another strawberry in your mouth. "Sure..." Jack rolls his eyes and you jump. "I thought you left" you say holding your hand to your beating chest. "You would have a better time with me" you sigh. "Come on...princess" he says mocking Daniel. "Really Avery" You roll your eyes and he puts his hand back on your inner thigh. You almost choke on the strawberry and face him. "Jack it was a one time thing" you get up and he grabs your wrist and pulls you into his chest. "I know you felt something Y/n" your heart wants to leap out of your chest. "I won't stop until your mine" he kisses your cheek and you are left there speechless.

You walk upstairs and get changed. You are in your bra and jean shorts. "Where is my shirt??" You look around and can't find it. "Daniel rehearsals are in-Damn" you look and see Jack leaning against the door frame. "Get out" you cross your arms trying to cover yourself. "He walks over to you and puts his hand on your hip. "Don't even think about it Robert" he steps back. "Bringing out the middle name are we??" You shake your head and pull away from his grip. "Are you looking for this??" he holds up your shirt. "How did you??" you sigh. "It was on the bed wasn't it" he laughs and nods. You reach for it but he holds it up. "Not til I get a kiss Sweetheart" you glare at him. "That's no fair.." you cross your arms and pout. "Okay fine..I mean if you don't want your shirt" he turns and you pull him close and kiss him. You pull away and he smirks. "See that wasn't that hard" his arms go around you waist. "Can I please have my shirt back??" he hands it to you and walks towards the door. "Just know that i'm not done with you" you gulp and shake your head. "I can't keep this up..I'm basically cheating on Daniel" You sit on the bed. "What about me??" Daniel comes in smiling. "Nothing" you stand up quickly. "Okay then..." he sits next to you. "look...I know I might have told you I loved you too early...but I wanted to give you this" he pulls out a box and you go wide eyed. "What are you doing??" he gets on his knee. "Y/n..I love you" he opens the box and you are speechless.

"Dani.." you look at the ring. "It's a promise ring" he gets up and sits beside you. "I don't want anything to come between us..I can see a future with you Y/n" you are in complete shock. "Y/n??" he asks worried. "I think I need to-" you end up fainting. "Do you think she's ok??" "What did you do to her??" "you killed her?!" You slowly open your eyes and see all five boys huddled around you. "Y/n?! She's alive!!" Zach jumps up excited. "What happened??" Corbyn asks and steps back. "She probably couldn't handle the stress" Jonah replies. "Y/n..I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to-" you grab Daniel's hand and sit up. You look around and see you're in the living room. "Seavey?! What did you do to her!?" Jack glares at him. "I didn't mean to...I just told her I loved her and gave her a promise ring" You look at them clueless but then your memories start flooding back. "Jack don't" he shakes his head. "She deserves someone better..Someone that makes her feel happy" he turns. "Excuse me!! She is happy with me!!" Daniel responds and stands up. "Oh please..I can satisfy her way more than you ever could" Daniel slaps him. "I don't think this is their slapping game" Corbyn says nervously. "How dare you!! You know how much I love her!! And even if she hasn't said it back..She will!!" Jack holds his cheek and laughs. Oh no. You want to say something before it gets out of hand but all you can do is watch. You're paralyzed. "Whatever dude" Jack walks away. "Good walk away...maybe you will find someone as lonely as you" Daniel mumbles and Jack whips around. "What did you say Seavey??!" Daniel turns. "You know what Daniel..Y/n's lips are really soft" he says smirking. Everyone looks at you and then at Jack. "What was that??" Daniel is pissed. "I'm a way better kisser than you..and I actually know how to treat women in bed" he winks at you and you go wide eyed. "Enough!! We have a little boy here" Jonah covers Zach's ears. Zach rolls his eyes "you never let me join in the adult talk" he walks out of the room. "I'll kill you Avery!!" Daniel has tears coming down his cheeks. "Jack stop" Daniel turns. "So you are going to take his side??" You look down.

A day has gone by and you have stayed in your room. You were perfectly fine binge watching The Vampire Diaries. You walk out of your room to get more ice cream when you hear a knock on the door. You wrap your blanket around you tighter and open the door. "Jack??" you look up at him surprised. "Look Y/n..I'm sorry about everything that happened..can we talk??" you sigh and let him in. You close the door behind you and sit on the couch. He joins and looks at you concerned. "How have you been??" you look at him. "How do you think I've been?!" He puts his arms up in defense. "You and Daniel keep fighting over me, I'm not some toy you can just throw around" he moves closer and hugs you. You push him off (cause he a hoe) "Jack.." he looks hurt. "I'm sorry...I just thought maybe you wanted some company..but I'll leave if you want.." he gets up and you watch him head for the door. You sigh and bite your lip. "Are you a Vampire Diaries fan??" you ask and he turns and smiles. "Stelena is my ship!!" he comes back on the couch and sits beside you. You have watched 5 episodes and Jack puts his arm around you. You lean your head on his shoulder and smile. In that moment you knew that he was the one. You kiss his cheek and he looks at you shocked. "I choose you Jack" he smiles. "Wait..but Dan-" you kiss him. "You talk too much" he bites his lip. "I'm sure he'll understand...I feel bad but i'm my happiest with you..I love you Jack" he goes wide eyed. "We can prove it right here, right now"(Quoting some High School Musical) You shake your head and he attacks your lips with his. You smile and pull away. "We have to tell the boys..." he starts kissing down your neck. "We can later" you go back to kissing.

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