The Breakup-Daniel

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Daniel and you have been dating for three years. Everything was going great. You loved this boy with all your heart and he sure as hell loved you. But lately Daniel has been getting mad at his parents and you are concerned about him. "What's wrong??" you ask rubbing his back. "'s just my parents and this thing..." he said sadly and put his head in his hands. "Awe baby.." you lean your head on his shoulder and he looks up at you. "I love how you're so supportive and protective" he states and kisses your cheek. "I love you Dani" you kiss him. "Now let's get some rest" he nods and you both cuddle in his bed. He falls asleep instantly, but you're stuck looking at the ceiling. 'What are him and his parents fighting about?? Is it bad?? Does he have to move back home??' all these things were running through your mind. You lay on your side and watch him. 'I hope it's not something bad' you kiss him softly and end up falling asleep shortly after.

A few days later, you get a text from Daniel. 'Baby can we talk' you get a bad feeling but head to his house. It's quiet and you are super nervous...what if he's planning a surprise for you?? You try to stay positive. You see the light on in his room and head up the stairs cautiously. You pause at the door and open it. Daniel is smiling and playing his guitar. You step in cautious and sit at his desk. "Hey baby" you smile. He half smiles at you which makes you more nervous. 'What do I tell her?? Can she handle the truth?? It's going to break her either way...' Daniel thinks to himself and sets his guitar down. You get up and move slowly towards him.

You sit on his bed and he looks sad. "Baby what's wrong??" You ask concerned. Daniel really didn't want to do this especially because you mean so much to him..but he had no choice. "Y/n...I.." he pauses. 'Just tell her it's another girl...' he takes a deep breath and lies straight to her. "I met someone else..." she looks heartbroken. "What do you mean someone else?? What happened to the future we planned together?? I opened up to you and now you're just going to blow me off for some girl..." You're heart shattered into a million peices. "Y/n I can't do this... i'm sorry" he looks like he's on the verge of tears. "Why?? I thought that we were fine??" You put you head in your hands and your palms start getting soaked by the tears rolling down your cheeks. "I'm sorry...." he wanted to tell her how much he loved her and comfort her..but he couldn't. He could only watch the love of his life's heartbreak...knowing he was the cause of it. You stand up and take off the promise ring he gave you. "You know what..." you throw the ring at him. "Have fun with her..." You grab your bag and storm out of the room. Daniel breaks apart as soon as he hears the door slam. He's lost you forever and he's never getting you back...all because of one stupid arranged marriage.

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