New Years-Jonah

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"I'm so excited!!" Svea says jumping up and down. "Who gave her sugar??" Jonah jokes. She sticks her tongue out and runs upstairs. You both sit on the couch across from Esther. Jonah puts his hand on your thigh and winks at you. You intertwine your fingers and lean your head on his shoulder. "You two are so cute. I want a boyfriend" Esther sighs. "No, you don't!!" Jonah sits up. "Jonah" you giggle. "The cons to having a protective older brother" Esther rolls her eyes. Carrie and Timothy both come in. "We have 2 minutes until new years!!" Carrie smiles and sits on the couch. Timothy hands out jello shots and you look at Jonah. "Don't worry there's no alcohol...I don't think" you nudge him and both laugh. Svea comes down and sits on your lap. "Wow there you tryna steal my girl," Jonah says jokingly. "She loves me more" Svea hugs you. "I mean she is adorable" you hug her back. Jonah leans over and whispers in your ear "I can pleasure you way more" you go wide-eyed. "What did you say??" Svea asks. "Come here Svea," Timothy says patting beside him. "3...2....1!!" Esther and Carrie both say and you all yell "Happy New Years!!" Jonah grabs your waist and pulls you close. He kisses you and you smile into the kiss as you wrap your arms around his neck. He pulls away and you see Svea covering her eyes. "It burns!!" she says running out of the room. "So I am guessing she got that from you??" you say and Jonah chuckles. "You are very dramatic Marais" he shrugs. You spend the rest of the night talking and hanging out with the Frantzich's. 

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