The Boy Next Door

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"See ya girlie" your bestie Amelia waves and you set your skateboard down. You put your earbuds in and head home. "Ahh!!" You stop and your heart is beating faster. "I'm so sorry. I didn't see you" she looks at you. "No it's my fault I ran out on you" she smiles and holds her hand out. "I'm Ava" you smile. "Y/n" you end up having a long conversation with her. Her family just moved into the house next to yours a few hours ago. She has 3 other siblings and is 4 years younger than you. Even tho she looks only 1 year younger. "Well I should get back" you nod. "Bye neighbor" she waves and you head up to your room. You collapse on your bed. "Today was interesting" your computer lights up and you smile. "Might as well have some fun" you were an only child and your mom normally worked late. She was a single mom so it was just you two. You put on 'You belong with me' and start dancing/singing around your room. After the song you laugh and collapse on your bed. "I'm such a dork" You go on your computer and turn on Supernatural. After about two episodes your feel someone watching you and look out your window to see a guy with curly hair smiling and laughing. He is on his computer and can totally see into your bedroom completely. He was kind of cute and you couldn't stop yourself from blushing. He looks up and looks panicked. He shuts his computer and scratches the back of his neck. He leaves and you can't help but smile. "At least I have a cute neighbor"

~Jack's POV~

We had just moved in and I finished setting up my room. I look and see that my best friend Johnny wants to facetime. "Hey buddy" I sit down and we start talking. I look out my window and see a girl jumping around in her room. She has a hairbrush in her hand and looks like she is singing. She collapses on the bed and gets up to grab her computer. She turns and is gorgeous. "Jack?? Earth to Jack!!" I jump and Johnny laughs. "I have a cute neighbor" I blush and he smirks. "Get it. I have to go. But good luck with her" he winks and ends the call. Yeah... I notice her looking and smiling. Shoot!! I close my computer and bolt downstairs. Now to just get enough courage to talk to her.

~End Of Jack's POV~

Your alarm goes off and you groan. "Ugh. I can't life today" (me everyday) You roll out of bed and get ready. Once you make it to school you already regret it. You sat at the back of the classroom and put your earbuds in. You start sketching and zone out. That is until you look up and meet eyes with the gorgeous god. His gorgeous brown eyes, curly hair, perfect jawline. "Is this seat taken??" you are brought of your thoughts by his charming smile. You shake your head and he sits beside you. The bell rings and Mrs. Gilmour starts class. "We have a new student with us. Mr. Avery" he smiles and she gets right into the lesson. "So pick a partner and it will be due next Thursday. Class dismissed" you grab your bag and feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn to see the stunning god-like figure standing in front of you. "Hey I'm Jack" he smiles. "Y/n" he bites his lip. "Do you want to be my partner??" he looks a little nervous. "Sure" you smile and he blushes a little. "Great" he walks out of the class and you are left there trying to process what just happened. After school you went straight home. You see Ava with a younger girl. "Hey Y/n" she smiles at you. "Hey" you head over and she smiles. "This is my younger sister Isla" you smile. "Hi I'm Y/n" you squat down. "You are really pretty" she smiles and you look up at Ava. "I mean she isn't lying" you all laugh. "Well thank you Isla" she points at your board. "Can I try??" you set it down and she steps on it. "My older brother has one. He lets me ride it sometimes" you look at Ava. "He should be home soon" you nod and hold Isla up. "Here" you push her gently down the sidewalk and she has the biggest smile on her face. "Hey Ava. Where's Isla??" you hear a male voice and stop. "Jacky!!" she runs and hugs the curly haired boy. But he wasn't just any curly haired boy. He was Mr. God Avery!! "Hey" he smiles at her and then turns to you. "Jack??" you look up at him and he blushes a little. "Y-Y/n?! W-what are you d-doing here??" Ava nudges him. "Someone's got a crush" he glares at her. "Well I mean" you point to your house. "I was going home. When I saw Ava and Isla" Ava smiles. He facepalms. "I also forgot to give you my number for the project...but I guess if you are my neighbour" he scratches the back of his neck nervously. "Yeah...well I should go" you grab your board and head up your driveway. "See ya" you look back and he waves. Well looks like Jack is your cute neighbour...How will this turn out??

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