Only A Friend-Continued

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You look down at the positive sign speechless. What were you going to tell Jack?? You were only 19 and he had his band to think about. You decide to tell Daniel first. "Hey Dani" you shut his door behind you. He looks up and smiles. "Hey what's up??" He sets his guitar down and you sit beside him. "Don't freak out" he gives you a concerned look. "I swear to god if you ate my watermelon again Y/n I'm about to-" "I'm pregnant" You blurt out and he just sits there in shock. "Wha-I-It's Not Mine is it?!" You glare at him but then go wide-eyed. "Oh my god...I totally forgot about that night...well I mean I didn't completely forget about it because" you wink and Daniel chuckles. "But seriously...I was just assuming it was Jack's but now we have to make sure" Daniel nods and you stand up. "Can you please come with me tomorrow to get tested...I haven't told anyone but you yet and to be honest I'm scared Dani" he stands up and hugs you tight. "I'm here for you. It will be okay" he kisses your forehead and you smile up at him. "Thank you" he nods and you head back to Jack's room. "Hey" you lay on him and look up at him smiling. He chuckles and plays with your hair as you lay your head on his chest. "You're beautiful you know that" you look back up at him and he leans forward. His lips press against yours and he pulls away smiling. "You're not to bad yourself" you joke and he shakes his head playfully. "I am going out with Zach tomorrow but I will be back later" you nod and lay back your head back down. He rubs your back and you soon fall asleep. What were you going to do??

The next morning, you and Daniel had set everything up and were saying goodbye to Jack. "Bye Baby. I will see you later" he kisses you and you smile. "Bye. Just be home for cuddles" you wink at him. He blushes and you turn to Zach. "Don't try anything Herron. He's my boyfriend" Zach chuckles and rolls his eyes. "He's not going to be yours for long" Zach grabs Jack's arm and pulls him out of the house. You turn to Daniel and both laugh. "Maybe Jachary is real" Daniel jokes. "Yeah Yeah.. let's go before I change my mind" you head to the car and Daniel drives there. The whole time you fiddle with your hands nervously. "Everything will be fine" Daniel puts his hand on your thigh. "I hope so" you put your hand over top of his and smile at him. Once you arrive at the doctors you put on a gown and are waiting in a room. The doctor comes in and Daniel looks up. "Hi I'm doctor Pierce" she smiles. "I'm Y/n" You shake her hand. "And you boyfriend??" She shakes Daniel's hand. " friend" he smiles at her. "Oh sorry" she looks back at you. "It's fine" you reassure her. "I'm just going to run a few tests" you nod and she starts. An hour later, you were waiting in the room for your results. Daniel stands beside you and holds your hand. "It will be fine" he kisses your forehead. "I'm just super nervous" you admit and he gives you a warm smile. "You are strong, independent and we will get through this" You nod and Dr. Pierce comes back. She looks a little worried. "Y/n" she comes and stands beside you. "You are pregnant" You look at Daniel. "With two babies" Daniel goes wide-eyed. "Twins?!" She tilts her head. "Not exactly. One baby is a month older then the other" you were beyond confused at this point. You couldn't believe it. "Are you aware that you have two uteruses??" Dr. Pierce asks. Daniel turns to you and you nod. "I didn't think much of it...because they told me not to worry" you look down. "It's just a very rare case...but the thing is" she pauses.

"The babies have different fathers" Daniel looks at you. "Umm..wh-what??" you ask. "The results say that he is one of them" he points to Daniel. "I have become a character in Grey's Anatomy" you facepalm. Daniel rubs your back and you talk to Dr. Pierce for a little while longer before you were allowed to head home. Daniel was driving home when he pulled the car over. "Dani" you look over at him. "Why didn't you tell me about this?? How is this even possible?!" you can see tears start to form. "Daniel..I..I'm just as scared as you are. This is a big change in my life too. What am I going to tell Jack" a tear rolls down your cheek. Daniel wipes it away. "Just know that I will always be by your side. I will give our daughter or son the best life possible" you smile and he kisses you on the cheek. "Imagine having the conversation with our children when they are older" Daniel smiles. "I did it with your father but also your uncle so you don't have the same father" you shake your head. "I sound like a whore" you put your head in your hands. "Hey. Mistakes happen" you look up at him and smile. "Everybody makes mistakes. Everybody has those days" you both sing and laugh afterward. "I love you" he smiles. "I love me too" you respond. "Brat" he chuckles and drives home. You get home and go up to Daniel's room. "Can you help me tell him??" you look up at him. "That seems like a discussion I shouldn't be apart of" Daniel bites his lip. "Please Dani. I can't do this alone" he hesitates at first but nods. You hear the door open. "Baby I'm back!!" Jack yells and you hear footsteps. "Well, it's now or never" you get up. "Don't you quote high school on me" Daniel stops and you giggle. "I love how you caught onto that" Daniel smiles and you head to Jack's room. You sat on the bed and Daniel sat in a chair on the other side of the room. The doorknob jiggles and Jack walks in. Well here goes nothing.

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