Tour Surprise

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Zach has been away on tour for 2 months now. You miss him so bad so you decided to get tickets to his Dallas show. "Y/n!!" Reese runs up and hugs you. "Hey Buttercup!!" you set your bag down and hug her back. You stand up and Zach's mom walks in. She hugs you. "Myta I missed you so much" she pulls away and squeezes your hands. "It's good to see you Y/n" she smiles. "Last time I saw you it was Christmas" you shrug and smile. "You can set your things in Zach's room" she points upstairs and you nod. You set your things on the bed and hear laughing outside. You go to the window and see Ryan and Josh having a nerf fight. You smile and head downstairs. You grab a nerf gun and shoot from the side of the house. "What the?!" Ryan turns and you he smiles. "Intruder!!" Josh and Ryan both try and shoot you. You get hit and dramatically die. You all laugh and then Reese comes out. She jumps on you and you smile at her. "Hey Buttercup" you sit up and she sits on your lap. "Dinners ready" You all head inside and eat. "I'm so glad you get to stay with us for a week" Myta smiles. "I love spending time with my favorite family" You tickle Reese and she giggles. "The concert is tomorrow. Are you excited??" Ryan asks and you nod. You were so happy to be able to hug Zach again. Him being gone just hasn't been the same. You wanted to feel his warmth as you cuddle. After dinner you all watched Brave. Reese was cuddled up next to you and fell asleep within 20 mins of the movie. Ryan went upstairs to bed. Myta and Josh were cuddling on the other side of the couch. The movie ended and Myta got up and went to take Reese, "I got her" she smiles. "You sure??" I nod. "Night" she kisses your forehead and then kisses Reese's before her and Josh head upstairs. You carry Reese to her room. You were about to leave when she grabbed your arm. "C-Can you sleep in here??" you smile and crawl in bed next to her. You soon both fall asleep.

The next morning you wake up on the floor. You see Reese sprawled out on the bed and can't help but laugh. You look at the time and it's 5am. You decide to go into Zach's room and sleep for a few more hours. "Y/n!! Y/n!! Wake up!!" you wake up and Reese is jumping on the bed with excitement. "We are leaving in an hour!!" she sits down and you smile. "Well i'm up now" you sit up and rub your eyes. "Let me get ready and i'll meet you downstairs. Okay buttercup" she nods and closes the door behind her. You shower and throw on your favorite pair of jeans and your Herron shirt. You curl your hair and put on a thin layer of makeup. You smile at yourself in the mirror, grab your phone and head downstairs. "Don't you look cute" Myta winks. "Oh stop it" you blush. "We are eating and leaving right after" you nod and soon enough you are in the car driving to the show. You were nervous and excited. You haven't seen him in 2 months so you didn't know how he was going to react. You arrive and wait in the meet and greet line. Soon enough it was your turn. Corbyn and Jack both looked shocked but you shook your head. "Mom. Reese. Ryan. Dad" Zach hugged all of them. "If only Y/n was here..." he looks down sad and you step out from behind the curtain. "I missed you too baby" he runs up and picks you up. You wrap your legs around him and kiss him passionately. "Omg!! How?! What?!" you pull away and he sets you down. He hugs you tight and then pulls away. "Baby" he hugs you again. "I love you and missed you so much!! I can't believe you're here!!" You giggle and kiss him again. "I'll see you after the concert" he nods and you go to leave but he grabs your wrist and pulls you back to him. He presses his soft pink lips against yours and pulls away. "I love you" you smile. "I love you too Herron" you leave and he bites his lip as he watches you. "I can feel you staring" he laughs and you head to your seats with the Herron family.

Reese stands beside you. "I'm so excited!!" she squeals. "Me too!!" you smile back. The show started and there were a few people that were standing in front of us that were teenagers. "Y/n!!" you feel someone tug at your shirt. "I can't see!!" you nod and lift her up. She hugs you and smiles. You see Zach smile at you. Then say into the mic. "Before we start. I just want to say it means so much to me that all you came out tonight. Also I want to thank my family and beautiful girlfriend Y/n" he points and you smile. "Awe" a few people said. "Take the time with me tonight. You should come with me tonight. We can feel free tonight. Nobody gotta know" Zach winks and then the boys start singing. The concert was great and you were backstage talking to all the guys. "We missed you Y/n" Daniel hugs you. "I missed you guys too" you hug all of them and Zach kisses your cheek. "I'm tired" Corbyn yawns. "You are always tired Corbean" he shrugs and you all laugh. You all head back to Zach's place and everyone was tired so you all went in their rooms. You crawl in bed and snuggle under the blankets. Zach comes in a few minutes later and lays next to you. He pulls the covers over him. "Come here baby" he opens his arms. "You don't have to tell me twice" you giggle and lay right next to him. "Thank you for everything" he smiles down at you. "You don't have to thank me. I missed you so much and couldn't wait. But i'm here in your arms so that's all I need" he blushes a little. "I love you" he kisses your forehead. "I love you more" you smile up at him. "I love you most" he kisses your nose. "Okay Mother Gothel" he laughs and you bury your face in his chest. "Night beautiful" you smile and fall asleep in his arms. 

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