Fake Relationship

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"He is just a friend. Calm your tits" you yell. You and Jack were both in the kitchen having a fight again. "You are always around guys and I am sick of it" Jack protests back. "Yeah and they all know I have a boyfriend" you are starting to get annoyed. "You always say how much you love me so prove it" you look at him. "What??" you didn't think you were ready for that step. "Not that...well yet" Jack blushes. You hear footsteps and Jonah walks in. "Pretend to date Jonah for a month" you turn to Jonah. "I just came in to get coffee" he says putting his arms up in defense. "So a fake relationship with Jonah??" you look back at Jack. "Umm...yeah??" he seems unsure.

~Jack's POV~

I love Y/n but my last relationship ended terribly. Then when Jonah came in I said the first thing that came to mind. I am not sure why this would prove anything but I know that Jonah wouldn't take her from me...right??

~End Of Jack's POV~

This must be the weirdest thing you are agreeing to. You walk over to Jonah and bite your lip. "Why do I always get dragged into these type of things??" he sighs. "How long??" Jonah looks up at Jack. "A month??" you both look at each other. "Fine" you both say at the same time and laugh. "I am only doing this to prove how much I love you" you kiss Jack's cheek. "See ya tomorrow Jonah" you wink.

~Jonah's POV~

I walked up to my room and tried to process what just happened. I mean I know Y/n is Jack's girl but the thought of her being mine makes me all smiley. What if I make her fall for me instead?? That could ruin everything with my relationship with Jack...I will definitely make this month one to remember.

~End Of Jonah's POV~

The next day, you went over to the WDW house. Corbyn opens the door. "Hey Y/n" he smiles. "Hey Bean..Is Jonah here??" he points to the kitchen. You were determined to go all out to prove to Jack. "Hey babe" you smile and Daniel chokes on his drink. "B-Babe?!" he looks at you. Jonah gives you a questionable look and then sighs. "We are actually going through this??" You nod. "I am determined" you smile as you lean against the counter.

~Jonah's POV~

When Y/n called me babe I was shocked at first. We are actually 'dating'...wow. I get to call her mine. I am smiling on the inside. Then she leans against the counter on her elbows. I try not to look at her cleavage but what can I say eyes wander. I shake it off and look at her. "So what do you want to do then?? Girlfriend" I smile at her. It felt weird but I could get use to that. "I am so confused?? I thought you were dating Jack??" she bites her lip. Well not anymore she ain't.

~End Of Jonah's POV~

Jack walks in and smiles. "Hey baby" he goes to kiss you but you stop him. "I am sorry but I already have a boyfriend" you gesture towards Jonah. "Oh..err..right" Jack scratches the back of his neck and heads towards the fridge. "I call a band meeting!!" Daniel stands up. They all head to the music room and you stay in the kitchen.

~Jack's POV~

"What is all of this about??" they all turn to me. "I may have told Y/n that if she really loves me to fake date Jonah..." I scratch the back of my neck. "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard" Zach states. "I know..but now she is actually going through with it" I bite my lip. "You better freaking marry her after this" Corbyn gives me a serious look. "If she doesn't fall for Jonah first" Daniel looks at Jonah. "I am right here guys. I can hear everything you are saying" he throws his arms up. "I mean Jonah is hotter..." I glare at Zach. "He's a ladies man" I look at Jonah and realize that they are completely right. He could steal my girl from right under me. Why couldn't I choose Daniel. He's a innocent holy child...well most times. "Whatever...I guess best man wins" I look at Jonah and he nods. He wouldn't take her...right??

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