Chapter 3: Stand By for TITANFALL

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I was lead in the bullhead, as what I've been told what those aircrafts were called, there I sat beside Ozpin. Savage was strapped to a bullhead was was getting inside a vacant hangar that the school used before. Ozpin keep on asking me about my world clearly interested in it.

Ozpin: So can please describe me what's going on your world and why does it allow a 19 year old kid to operate a complicated machine.
(Y/N): Okay, 1. We are at war, IMC vs Militia. 2. I'm a mercenary and a skilled pilot that's why I'm allowed to 3. Don't call Savage a machine. Yes he is a robot, but we're partners. I don't treat him like some expandable object....we've been through a lot. We saved each other's skin wether it's thick or thin. We've escaped close calls, exploding carriers, exploding bases, and many more.Does that answer your questions?
Ozpin: Yes.
Ironwood: I apologize from my earlier actions, Grave. I didn't know that you and Savage have a long history together.
(Y/N): It's cool. Now I have a question for you Ozpin.
Ozpin: What is it?
(Y/N): What exactly do you teach your students? I haven't heard any school that let's their students carry swords, guns, scythes, and shotgun gauntlets.
Ozpin: Our school teaches them to be huntsmen and huntresses. They learn how to fight Grimm and to protect the citizens.
Basically like a soldier. Eh, must be this world's culture.
(Y/N): okay then.
Ozpin: You will be staying in a dorm room.
(Y/N): No thanks, I'll stay on the hangar where Savage will be. Just give me a bed there and a closet with clothes.
Ozpin: Okay then, but for tonight you will be staying in a dorm, I will ask the staff to clean the hangar and to put in a bed and a closet with clothes. Your initiation is at 9:00 am be at the cliffside by 8:49 am. Also here, this is dust.
Ozpin hands me big tube of dust.
(Y/N): Thanks
I put the tube on

Time skip


OKAY, OKAY, OKAY first I was in a war against the IMC and was about to destroy the fold weapon, got teleported to a different world, and now I'm in a freaking dorm with four girls?!! WHAT THE HECK!! I thought to myself as I drop my sleeping bag to the floor of Team RWBY's dorm room. The beds looks like a death trap! They all seem happy to see me, except for Weiss that I can understand, time to apologize to her. I approach Weiss then sat down in front of her.

(Y/N): Weiss, I'm sorry for pointing a gun at you. You must've been scared.
Weiss: wah, scared? Psshh, no way, why would I be scared?
(Y/N): You looked pretty scared to me.
Weiss: That must've been your imagination!
Yang: Aw, come one Weiss stop playing tough, Grave's already apologizing to you.
Weiss: I won't accept the apology of a man if he's covering his face! How will I know it's a sincere apology?!
(Y/N): Fine. I'll remove my helmet.

I pressed a button underneath my helmet, right below my neck.

Weiss POV

Grave pressed something by his neck then air seem to seep out of the helmet. The front raised up and the sides popped out. He removed his helmet and faced me. His (E/C) eyes stare at me, his short (Author: sorry friends, you have short hair on this story) (H/C), his handsome, yet battle hardened face, a scar by his left eye brow.

Grave: I'm sorry for pointing a gun at your head.
He apologized with sincerely and I could see it in his eyes.
Me: O-okay, apology accepted. Don't do that again.
Grave: *chuckle* I won't.
When he was about to wear his helmet again I stopped him. I hold his hands that were on his helmet while he looks at me.
Me: D-don't wear it. It's just us here so no need to hide yourself.
Grave: *sigh* okay.
Yang: *whistles* looks like ice queen likes someone.
Ruby giggled.
Blake look at me curiously.
Me: I-I don't know what your talking about! I just want him to sleep comfortably!
Grave: Ice queen?
Yang: Well Weiss is the most coldest person here in Beacon.
Grave: Cold? Cold how?
Ruby: Her attitude. It's amazing she isn't cold with us and you!
Me: What's that supposed to mean?!
Yang: Woops, and ice queen's back.
Me: Im always here! and stop calling me ice queen!
Grave: Hahahahaha *snicker snort* hahahaha
Uugghh his laugh is annoying....yet why does it please my ears?!
Me: What's so funny?!
Grave: Well *wipes a tear because of laughing too much* your reactions are just funny.
Me: Ugghh, Dolt!
Grave: *chuckles* Hehe, well I got to sleep now, I have initiation tomorrow.

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