Chapter 9: Would you count it as a date?

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I woke up and notice that my sleeping position changed and I smell of....expensive perfume? I wasn't sure of the smell but it's obvious that it's a girl's perfume. I got up and got dressed into my pilot uniform. I walked to cafeteria, along the way team RWBY passed by and decided to tag along.

Ruby: Hey (Y/N), Mornin!
(Y/N): Hey Ruby, Mornin.
Yang: How was your sleep last night?
My sleep?
(Y/N): first I didn't mind it....but now that you sleep last night was really relaxing. I felt a reassuring presence while I slept. It felt cold yet warm.
Yang and Ruby giggled, Blake smiled, while Weiss is just red.
(Y/N): Weiss, you sick? You're a bit red.
Weiss just hides her face using Blake's book.
Weiss: Oh wow Blake this book is interesting.

Oh boy.

We arrived at the cafetria and saw a new poster by the menu.

On poster:
Get it for a limited time only!
Only 1 per student!

We all lined up and saw that most of the students requested for the NEO's Neo. Right, Torchwick and Neo work at Beacon now. After they changed sides Torchwick ratted out Cinder but they soon found out that she and her two goons went missing. As promise Ozpin pardoned Torchwick and Neo for their past crimes and hired them as part of Beacon's staff. Neo is an assistant to Prof. Goodwitch while Roman teaches stuff about dusts. We wait in line for a while, small talk here and there, yada yada, sometimes I notice Weiss glancing at me so I just smile at her and she would hide her face for that. It was out turn and I got some beef steak, mashed potato, and NEO's Neo. Well I just hope it's delicious.

We went to our usual table with team JNPR waving at us. I sat down and looked at my meal. Oh man.....I'll miss this food. I don't want to eat rations every morning. I took off my helmet and lay it down beside me, I took a bite of the steak and I forgot to show "proper" table manners. I look at my friends and saw them just staring at me. I pulled out a piece of meat and the chew then swallow.

(Y/N): What? Can't a guy enjoy his steak?
Jaune: A guy can. Bu-
Weiss: But show some table manners, dolt!
(Y/N): Sure, sure. Whatever you say.

I just continue mowing down the steak and mashed potato until I was finished. It was now time for my dessert. I opened the small container of the ice cream and eat a scoop of it. My eyes popped out and my body felt relaxed.

(Y/N): So delicious!!

I began to mow the ice cream.

Weiss POV

(Y/N)'s eating habit and table manners are awful yet his reactions are really cute. I shook my head to snap me out. What am I saying?! C-could I-I really be I-in love with him?! I look at (Y/N) again this time he's patting his stomach in satisfaction then burped out loud. We all looked at him. Yang smiled and let out a flash card showing "9" Nora smiled and let out a flash card showing "8" Ruby did the same but the card is showing "9". (Y/N) chuckled.

(Y/N): Tough crowd huh, ice queen.
I groan in annoyance and pulled out a flash card showing "0"
(Y/N): aawwww.
He showed a sad face but he was obviously laughing in the inside.


I was enjoying my time while waiting for the others to finish their food. I opened my scroll and checked for any news about IMC activity or what the locals say "weird" activity. I scroll through articles and found nothing weird or any signs of IMC. I then opened articles about weapons. Oh, oh, oh, A sale for spare parts, empty rounds, and some explosive dusts! I read the article and saw which shop was selling it. Oh crap! Sale is only until today! I unintentionally clicked my tounge and some of my friends heard it.

The Pilot, The Titan, and The New Planet (Titanfall 2 Pilot X RWBY)(New Version)Where stories live. Discover now