Chapter 11: The difference. part:1

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3rd person POV

(Y/N) has just recovered from the operation. Right now he just woke up and is trying to stand up. He grunted a bit as he held his bandaged chest.

(Y/N): Ain't this a very lovely way to wake up?

He wore his dark green t-shirt which has a slash mark my the chest.

(Y/N): and this was my favourite shirt too. Damn.

(Y/N) went to the door and was about to open it but it was opened by a certain white-haired girl.


I was just about to leave until someone opened the door. It was Weiss. She looked at me with surprise and then hugged me. I was surprised by her hug and don't know what to do.

Weiss: I'm glad you're okay.

(Y/N): Y-yeah.

She broke the hug and then got an angry look on her face.

Weiss: Why are you out of your bed?

(Y/N): Am I supposed to stay there?

Weiss: Yes, now get back there.

Weiss angrily huffs.

(Y/N): Don't worry about this. I'm sure I'll be fine.

I was about to leave but a man wearing a militia pilot suit block the doorway.

Pilot: Sorry kid. You ain't allowed to leave yet.

(Y/N): Well, ain't it nice to see a friendly here. As much as I appreciate your concern I have to decline your order.

The pilot removed his helmet and it was Uncle Jack.

Uncle Jack: This is an order from me. So you say yes or yes.

(Y/N): Fine.

I sit on the bed. Weiss was about to speak up but was cut off by Uncle Jack.

Weiss: The-

Uncle Jack: Sorry Weiss, could you leave us for a moment? We just need to talk.

Weiss: Okay. Then if you would excuse me.

Weiss left the room and my Uncle just got a serious look.

Uncle Jack: Okay, first off what you did was reckless and stupid. Second, I'm glad you're still alive.

(Y/N): Of course, I'm still alive I got it from you.

We fist-bumped each other.

(Y/N): By the way who are the other three pilots with you?

Uncle Jack: They're from the Spec Ops division. Amelia Smith, A.K.A. Titania. Rowan Clark A.K.A Scope along with his dog Rez. Then there's Jones Barnes A.K.A. War. They've come to assist us in defending this planet.

(Y/N): Okay. So how bad is it?

Uncle Jack clutched his forehead in frustration.

Uncle Jack: They have 5 carrier starships near the planet. Our attack starship didn't get near so we wouldn't alert them. I've sent a backup request to Sara. She sent three spec ops members first then the rest later. RIght now the three are talking with Professor Ozpin and General James Ironwood.

(Y/N): What are they talking about?

Uncle Jack: They're talking about building bunkers as a safe place for the civilians.

(Y/N): So...war's gonna go loose here as well huh?

Uncle Jack sits on the bed.

Uncle Jack: That's why we're here kid. It's our job to protect those who can't protect themselves.

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