Chapter 13: A Sacrifice is always needed.

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3rd Person POV

The days of training continue. (Y/N) is still strict during trainings, though he he isn't approaching his friends anymore during break time. Weiss still follows (Y/N)'s orders during training but ignores him during break time, she doesn't talk about (Y/N) that much anymore. Although Weiss keeps on saying she just sees Neptune as a friend and nothing else. Neptune on the other hand got a bit too full of himself. He sometimes doesn't listen to (Y/N) during training, sometimes bad mouths (Y/N) during lunch especially if (Y/N) is near their lunch table, and tries to flirt with Weiss a lot.

Neptune's attitude change gains some angry glares from team RBY, JNPR, CFVY, the rest of team SSS, and some students who has been disciplined by (Y/N) and started adoring (Y/N) as a charismatic leader. (Y/N) on the other hand doesn't care about what Neptune say about him, he cares more about what Weiss feels now. He wonders if it went according to his plan. His plan of making Weiss forget about him.

During one of the days of training, students were allowed to make a call to their parents. (Y/N) was just in his room being briefed by Commander Barnes.


I was sitting on my chair with my coms open. I was being briefed by Commander Barnes about the current situation.

Barnes: 5 months will be your training time. After 5 months regroup back with us. Back up will also arrive then.
(Y/N): Roger. Any movements from the enemy ships?
Barnes: That's the bad news. There's none. When enemies stay silent like that we know something big is up. Some of the trained huntsman and huntresses are tasked to scout their respective areas. So far no IMC activity.
(Y/N): Well I just hope they would just up and leave this planet already.
Barnes: I wish they'd be eaten by those Grimms. Sadly we don't get what we want. Right now continue training the students, Oh and Titania will come and visit...nevermind it's an inspection.
(Y/N): *sigh* alright alright. (Y/N) out.
Barnes: War out.

The call ended, I just slump on my chair. I was about to shut my eyes but then another call ringed. I answered it and I heard Jacques' voice.

Jacques: Hello (Y/N), I hope you've been doing well?
(Y/N): Hello Jacques, I wish I could say yes.

Jacques laughs then his face turned serious.

Jacques: Anyways I noticed my daughter turned sour when I asked her about you. I don't suppose something happened between the two of you?
Uh oh...
(Y/N): Well....

Jacques raises an eyebrow.

(Y/N): *sigh* Something did happen. I ended up being a jerk to her.
Jacques: And why would you do that?
(Y/N): It's....for her own good.
Jacques: How so? How could the man whom my daughter likes so much act like a jerk. For her own good?!

He raised his voice but he looks calm.

(Y/N): Jacques...I know Weiss likes me. I like her too. But we live in different standings and universe. She lives in a place where the main threat is Grimm, where people have auras that could heal them, where they have semblances, and a time of peace. Whereas for me...I live in a battlefield, a cruel world where you die you die. Well not unless you became a simulacrum. Anyways, I'm ready to die in a battle. Of course I try my best to not die.

Jacques then thinks for a while.

Jacques: If you said you try your best to stay alive, then why make my daughter hate you?
(Y/N): That's because this time it's different.
Jacques: Different how?
(Y/N): The one leading the IMC forces here is someone from my past. Someone that is on top of my kill list. Someone who isn't supposed to be underestimated.
Jacques: I fear you might die from this someone?
(Y/N): Yes...yes I do.

Jacques sighs heavily.

Jacques: I understand. But don't you think telling Weiss about it will help you calm your nerves?
(Y/N): No, it won't. Plus, she'll just try to stop me from entering the war. Not entering a war is something I cannot do. Because fighting in a war is my duty and livelihood.
Jacques: Just make sure you come back alive you hear?
(Y/N): No promises. Oh and don't tell Weiss about this.
Jacques: Why?
(Y/N): You know why.
Jacques: Ok, I shall keep my mouth shut. I do hope your decision of sacrifice was alright with you.
(Y/N): isn't. But a sacrifice is always needed.
Jacques: Then I wish you the best of luck, boy.

The call ended. I jump on my bed. That was tiring than talking to a general. I thought to myself while staring at the ceiling. Did I make the right choice? I then close my eyes. I hope I did.. I then fell asleep.

Weiss POV

It's now time for training again. I've been ignoring (Y/N) during lunch breaks. This was the only Ike I could ignore him. During training he's still the shouting jerk of an officer but he earned some fans. Neptune has been talking to me a lot lately, though I could hear him talking bad stuff about (Y/N) every now and then. I'm secretly hiding that I'm pissed at Neptune for that. I still like (Y/N) I just want him to be more honest with me. So I'm trying to make him feel jealous but it looks like it wasn't working.

Time skip

It's now lunch break. We sat in our usual table and just did our usual stuff. Though Neptune has been trying to flirt a lot lately and I just want to punch him for that. I have to control myself, let (Y/N) show his true feelings for me. I thought to myself. After a while (Y/N) enters the cafeteria and orders his food. Neptune started to talk shit about him.

Neptune: And here comes Mr. Ready to die. I guess he's just an absolute suicide fighter huh?

Neptune chuckled a bit but I looked around the table and saw most of our friends gazing him with pissed expression on their faces. What's with them? I asked myself.

Sun: Hey bro, it's not cool to bad mouth people you know.
Neptune: Well he deserves it. He hurt Weiss.

I could see Yang gritting her teeth but, she's hiding it.

Velvet: But that doesn't give you the right to judge his whole as a person.
Ruby: Yeah! He's really troubled because he doesn't want to let-

Blake then covered Ruby's mouth.

Blake: He doesn't want to let his comrades down.

Ruby removes Blake's hand.

Ruby: Yeah!

Something is suspicious here...and I wanna know what. I thought to myself. Neptune dropped the bad mouth when (Y/N) left. He then flirt a bit but I only entertain him a little. He's just like the others who just interact with me because of my name.

Simon POV

We set our base in the base of those former "villains" of this world. We captures some of those black creatures called Grimm and begun experimenting on them. The interesting aspect of their body is that it quickly disintegrates once the creature die. Our scientist are trying to find a way to attach cybernetic parts so we could control these creatures.

Experimentation was underway for 2 weeks now. The scientist are now at a breakthrough.

Scientist 1: General, experimentation on these creatures is a success.
Me: Good, now we have an expendable army of them.

He lead me to an area where the Grimms are all lined up. All of them having mechanical parts attached on their bodies. Heh, mindless creatures shall now obey us!

~End Chapter

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