Chapter 14: Why....

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3rd Person POV

Training the first and second years were almost over. The only thing missing now is the "prom" dance that was supposed to happen before the training. The students are preparing the arena to be a dance ball. Some students went out to rent or buy clothes, some helped in decorating, and some started asking others out for a date to the dance.

Neptune is really confident about asking Weiss out. He and Sun went to team RWBY's room. He knocked on the door and it was Yang who answered.

Yang: Yeah?
Neptune: Is Weiss here? I wanna ask her out to the dance.
Yang: Not here, she is gonna help with decorations. Plus, she's with her sister now. They're talking about something family related.
Neptune: Oh, then do you know where they are?
Yang: Didn't I just told you they're discussing about something as a family.
Neptune: Well I'm sure they won't mind.

Yang just rolls her eyes while Sun face palmed.

Sun: You know what just help me find something to wear.

He said as he dragged Neptune far from the dorm.

Weiss POV

I am in my sister's room. She called me in for a talk, I am so excited to have a talk with my dear sister again. I'm in front of her room. I knocked and she opened it.

Me: Hello dear sister.
Winter: Weiss, come inside we'll have a talk.

I went in her room and sat on a chair. Winter sat on the chair facing me.

Winter: Weiss, I'm proud that you made it to the top ten in this training.
Me: Thank you dear sister. I'm also glad that you were there to watch over me.
Winter nods.
Winter: I had heard before from father that you like commander (Y/N)?

I flinched when she asked me.

Me: U-used to...
I look down in embarrassment, it was also hard to say it because I still like (Y/N).
Winter: Used to? What happened?
Me: H-he became a jerk by telling me that h-he d-doesn't care I-If he die this time. He doesn't care about what I feel at all!

I said while clutching my combat skirt. Then I unconsciously tear up.Winter hugged me then comforted me.

Winter: Shh, Weiss, it's alright it's alright. I understand what he's doing. He's trying to protect you.
Me: P-protect me?
Winter: Yup, he knows what you feel for him. That's why he's making you hate him.
Me: W-why? Why does he want me to hate him?
Winter: Well I'm sure that he doesn't want you to get hurt if he gets hurt really bad or die.
Me: He wasn't like that before. He was confident during his missions.
Winter: Well maybe he knows someone in the enemy that is much better than him. Maybe that's why he suddenly became unsure about his survivability.

I sniff and take in all the info Winter is saying.

Winter: Working in a military unit is really hard you know. Our lives could be taken in a flash. Even me, I'm always afraid when I'm deployed in missions but, I always try my best to survive every mission. So I could come back to my loving family.

I then realized it. Winter opened my eyes for me. I should have known from before.

Me: T-thanks sister. Thank you...thank you for opening my eyes.

Winter nods and smiles.

Winter: No problem, anything for my little sister.
Me: Well all that's left to do now is to confront my man and corner him.

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