Chapter 7: A bit overkill....don't you think?

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Author: Oh the sweet, serene, peaceful, and beautiful view of Emerald forest, but wait! What's that smoke over there?
Scene changed to a destroyed white fang camp. Flames surround some tents, a pile of dead bodies of white fang members. Oh! And look at that, Savage just collecting some of the stollen dust and storing it in a big crate. Our main protagonist (Y/N) (L/N) is sitting at the top of the pile of dead bodies while looking at the sky.


We just finished cleaning up a white fang camp on the outskirts of Emerald forest. No IMC just some white fang. I was sitting on a pile of dead bodies of White fang members as I look up the sky. Right, Blake used to be a part of the White fang....I just hope she won't get angry at me. I look at Savage, I see him storing some of the stolen dust inside a crate. I look around the camp, fire was moderate, but blood and dead bodies of white fang soldiers, and decaying Grimm bodies littered the place....but I did pile up the white fang bodies to burn it for later.

(Y/N): Well let's get to it. I'll just burn these bodies first.

I picked up a stick, ignite it, then burn the pile of dead bodies.

(Y/N): It's the least I could do to show my respects of sending them off.
(Y/N): This white fang is different from the IMC. These people(Faunus), fights for their rights as Faunuses....sadly some people just isn't that these guys does this actions for them to be noticed, but it was actions uncalled for. I'm thinking the white fang just needs a better leader to show them the path without bloodshed or being treated as terrorist. The IMC are just doing it for the money, nothing more, nothing less.
Savage: I SEE.

I salute in respect then walked my way to Savage. He held out his hand and I climbed on it. Savage placed me on his head and I lay down looking at the sky.

Weiss POV

We just finished classes and (Y/N) is nowhere to be found...*internaly sighs* what am I going to do with that dolt? Well it's a good thing I wrote him some notes. I thought to myself as we were walking to the library and I was checking mine and (Y/N)'s notes. We arrived and sat down on a table to do some homework and finalize our plans for tonight. I got some books and finished my homework, I did some of the questions in (Y/N)'s homework.

Ruby: Hey Weiss I thought you're done with your homework?
Me: This isn't my homework Ruby, it's (Y/N)'s.
Ruby: No fair! Do mine too!
Me: No.
Yang: Because ice queen loooovvvessss (Y/N)~
Me: I do not! I'm just doing that dolt a favor!
Yang: Sure you do~
I just groan in frustration and continue what I was doing before I got interrupted.

After a while Sun and Neptune arrived and we talked about our plans.

Ruby: So it's me and Weiss that'll go to the CCT tower, Sun and Blake on the white fang meeting, and Yang and Nuptune are gonna go meet a friend of Yang's.

Neptune: How about you go with your sister Ruby?
I could see where this is going.
Ruby: Then who would go with Weiss?
He'll suggest himself.
Neptune: I could.
Called it.
Ruby: Hahahaha nope. Now Commence operation: SNEAKY SNEAKY!
Me*whispers loudly*: Don't shout you dolt! We're in a library and it's supposed to be a secret!
Ruby: Oops. Hehe, sorry.


(Y/N): Hey Oz, I'm baaaaccckk.
I jumped out of the elevator as soon as it opened. Ozpin just casually takes a sip of his coffee and greets me.
Ozpin: Hello Grave, welcome back.
(Y/N): That's it? No surprise reactions? Anything?
Ozpin: Why should I be surprised?
(Y/N): It's...ughh nevermind. Anyway I checked the Emerald forest, no sign of IMC. They hid their tracks good. But I did encounter a White Fang camp, don't worry I took care of it and as a bonus I saved some stolen dusts.
Ozpin: I see, then I thank you for your services. You could keep the dusts, and here *hands monthly allowance of 100,000 lien* your allowance and for a job well done.
(Y/N): Why thank you.
I grab the lien and place it in my pocket. I turn around and was gonna leave until Oz stopped me.
Ozpin: By the way I have a mission for you.
(Y/N): What is it?
Ozpin: I couple of students are planning on poking their heads on something they shouldn't. I want you to watch over them.
(Y/N): Sure, can I bring Savage?
Ozpin: Just don't get noticed.
(Y/N): By the way who're those students?
Ozpin: Team RWBY and two of their friends.
(Y/N): *sigh* Of course it's the troublesome bunch. Fine I'll do it.
I walk inside the elevator and press the ground floor button. Ozpin shouted his thanks and something disturbing.
Ozpin: Thanks (Y/N).
How the heck did he know my real name?! I thought to myself as the elevator opened up in the ground floor lobby. Looks like ol' Oz is a real snooper. I chuckle as I walk back to my hangar. Now time to take care of some naughty students.

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