Chapter 12: The difference. part 2

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3rd Person POV

The first day of training starts now. The students are gathered in the main training arena which is just a big hexagon opening in the middle of the facility. The students aren't wearing their usual clothes, they are wearing Brown t-shirt and camouflaged cargo pants, they all fall in line according to which academy they belong. Most of the students wonders "why are we here?" and "what's the purpose of this training?" Whispers among the students are heard. Rumors that this is a special facility for their training as huntsman, some say this is a facility to make super hunters/huntresses, and some say this is a facility to train and make them soldiers.

While the students are whispering among themselves, (Y/N) is standing on the platform in the middle. He coughed to get everyone's attention but no one cared. He inhaled and then let out a shout everyone in the arena can hear.

(Y/N): LISTEN UP MAGGOTS!! Today you are all gonna learn what a pilot and a Titan is! Well beacon students already know some of it.

Weiss POV

Is he really gonna go through this again? I thought to myself while looking around at the other students. I look back at (Y/N) and he pressed a button on a remote and a screen appeared behind him.

(Y/N): A pilot is a special case of a soldier, you could say they are super soldiers. When going against a pilot the important thing to remember is NEVER LET HIM NEAR HIS/HER TITAN.

A random student raises his hand.

Random student: E-excuse me sir, what is a Titan?
(Y/N): Good Someone is actually listening. A Titan is basically a big war machine.
He snaps his fingers and Savage walked out of his hangar.
(Y/N): This is Savage, my Titan, he is a Legion Prime class. Means he is basically a Heavy tank that can walk, run, obliterate a lot of enemies without a problem.
Random Student: He is your Titan? Does that mean-
(Y/N): Yes, I am a Pilot.

Another student raised their hand.

Random Student 2: Then can you prove what you just said? Are pilots really that dangerous? I mean no offense but I could just shoot you now and you'd be dead. You don't have any aura protecting you.

Students in beacon were surprised at what the random student said. Some of us (students from Beacon) were hiding our laughs some felt sorry for that student. We all look at (Y/N) to see his reaction.

(Y/N): H-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Well then if you feel that cocky why don't I show you a demonstration.

Most of the students cleared out from the random student 2. Savage picked him up and placed him a few feet away from (Y/N).

(Y/N): Fight me.

The random student prepared his guns but, before the student could shoot, (Y/N) grabbed both of the students hands and disarmed him. He threw him over his shoulder which slammed the student on the ground. (Y/N) sat on the student's chest and point the student's own guns at the student's face.

(Y/N): So? What do you think?
Random Student 2: I-I think is e-enough for a d-d-demonstration.

(Y/N) got off the student.

(Y/N): Now we're all clear with me. It's now time for a special "Group Reward"

We all look at him curiously. Group reward? I thought.


We all groaned and stare angrily at the random student 2.

The Pilot, The Titan, and The New Planet (Titanfall 2 Pilot X RWBY)(New Version)Where stories live. Discover now