Chapter 16: Captured?!

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Weiss POV

I was neatly folded my night gown and a couple of my bell sleeved boleros. It was now time to leave the special training program facility. The mission entrusted to us first years is to help in evacuating citizens to special underground bunkers. The second year's job is to help scout for IMC troops, while the third and fourth year's job is to help defend remnant. A safety instructions for all of us is to do not engage enemy titan, only if necessary.

I finished packing up and made my way to the doorway. I look back for a bit and remembered the memories here. I went to the hangar where my team is waiting for me.

Ruby: Weiss, what took you so long?
Me: Well, I took my time in packing up.
Yang: And you're supposed to be the strict one.
Me: Hey!

They laughed while I rolled my eyes but slightly smile.

Blake: Come on, we don't want to be late.

We entered the bullhead. Each school has at least 5 bullheads to accommodate their respective students. While we were looking for a place to place our luggage, I felt a little sad and happy at the same time. Sad, because of what happened to (Y/N). Happy, because this is a place where I found my resolve, the resolve to make myself stronger so that one day I could stand where he stands.


Ruby shouted while waving her hands. I roll my eyes as I smiled when I approach them.


I woke up in a containment hatch in a bullead. I wriggled my body, soon i found out that I was bounded to a chair. My hands on the arm rest and my legs to the chair's front legs. I struggle again but soon stopped when I heard footsteps coming from the opposite side of the metal door. The metal door opened and a pilot wearing a blueish to grayish pilot suit.

Pilot: You're finally awake.
(Y/N): Not really one of the first-class flights but this will do.
Pilot: And a "smartass" at that.

The pilot grabbed a seat nearby and sat in front of me.

Pilot: So, any questions lingering your head?
(Y/N): IMC, Militia, or Mercenary?
Pilot: SDC.
(Y/N): SDC? What's that? Ohh, so you're a merc?
Pilot: Ex-merc. We swore an oath to SDC.
(Y/N): Mercenaries swearing an oath?! Well that's new.
Pilot: Not all mercenaries think about cash. There are some who just wish to work with someone whom they can really trust. Yes, like a knight to their king.

He stood up.

Pilot: SDC means Schnee Dust Company. By the way, that's where we're going and we're not that far from it.

He walks away while I just received this information bomb and processed it.

(Y/N): WHAT?!

3rd Person POV

After getting the information dropped on him, (Y/N) quietly reflected on what happened. Is he in trouble? Is this Jacques' wrath? Will his ass live another day? After a while of thinking he felt that the bullhead has landed. True enough, the hatch doors opened. He was escorted out by the pilot from before. As they walk around a hangar of some sort three people approached them.

Jack: Glad to see you're okay kid.
(Y/N): Uncle Jack!
Ironwood: Good to see you well, pilot.
(Y/N): General.

(Y/N) nods.

Jacques: (Y/N), my boy, good to see you're well.

Jacques approached me as he put his hand on my shoulder.

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