Chapter 17: Frostbite

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Weiss POV

I slowly opened my eyes to see that I was being dragged by someone away from the bullhead crash. I feel the weight of my eyelids and closed my eyes again.


I hastily grab a first aid kit, some picks, a fur coat, a of combat boots specialy built for cold climate and hiking, an Alternator smg, and a wingman. I march my way through the hangar until someone grabbed my arm.

Uncle Jack: (Y/N) you're not thinking straight right now. There's a blizzard and you plan to go out there and get yourself killed.

(Y/N): They're out there! My friends are out there! Weiss is out there! I'm not gonna sit around and let my arse get warm in this base. I'm going out there and look for them.

I pull my hand hard enough to make Uncle Jack let go of my arm.

(Y/N): I'm gonna bring them back.

I put on a new pilot helmet. It has the same design as the old one but its tech is upgraded. As I continue my march Uncle Jack called out to me.

Uncle Jack: You won't be able to find them no matter how hard you try.

I look back at him. He might not see it but I'm glaring at him behind my helmet. He then brings out a small tablet that has the letter G.P.S.

I raised my eyebrow.

Uncle Jack: You won't know where to find them. Not without this.

He threw it to me and I caught it with one hand.

Uncle Jack: Pilot, your mission is to find the students that have crashed landed then guide them to the pick-up point. Godspeed, pilot.

I smiled then did a salute. I should not have been angry at Uncle Jack.

I boarded Savage after his open joint areas was sprayed by thermal coating.  I placed the G.P.S. codex in a codex port and It instantly opened a map that guides me to the last area of the plane crash. I also replaced Savage's Predator cannon for a Thermite Launcher and some incendiary trap. Of course Savage can't use flame core, thermal shield, and firewall. Savage was also equipped with heat sensors.

Savage was then attached on a bullhead.


Weiss POV

I felt something warm near me. I opened my eyes and rubbed them. I was in a cave and a campfire in front of me.

I sat up and noticed my clothes as has small tears and holes. I survey the area and noticed Nora, Yang, and Sun laying down near the campfire. They were asleep. I look around the cave and saw another campfire were Pyrrha, Blake, Ruby, Ren, Neptune, and Jaune are sitting and discussing something. Ruby notcied that I was awake.

Ruby: Weiss! You're finally awake!

Ruby walked to me and lead me to their place.

Me: W-what happened?

Pyrrha: Our bullheads were shot down by something and crash landed. We got away from the area really quickly and found this cave. Team CFVY helped us here and they left to try and find more stragglers while we guard this cave.

Me: Did all of the bullheads crashlandrd?

Ren: We do not know.

We were quiet for a while until i spoke up.

Me: So, what's the plan?

Jaune: For now, we just stay here until help arrives.

Me: Have we tried contacting others?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2019 ⏰

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