Chapter 4: Lessons by the Ice Queen

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Author: *bows down* SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE!! I was busy with my other book and with school. I have classes now so I can only update my books when I have free time. Once again I'm sorry. Now on with the chapter.


It's already been 2 weeks since I joined Beacon, so far I'm enjoying my life here. I have friends, a somewhat peaceful life, what's more can I ask for? Well the girl I have a crush on is Weiss Schnee, sure she may be a bit cold to others but once you get to know her she's actually kind and caring. Of course she doesn't know I have a crush on her and I know it will only be a waste of our time. I live in a world where I can die anytime; wether it's on the battlefield or inside my Titan. While she lives in a world where "aura" can heal minor wounds and there is no war, only Grimms. Well there is also a problem that is currently bugging me.....TODAY'S BEACON MID QUARTER EXAMS!!! Ah crap, how will I pass?! Cheat? No,no,no I'm taught better than to cheat. I was walking along the hallway with my pilot uniform on and I accidentally bumped into someone. That person fell down I extend my hand to help him/her get up.

(Y/N): Hey, sorry about that. You okay?
???: I'm fine. Next time watch where your going you dolt!
(Y/N): Oh, it's Weiss. I didn't notice it was you.
Weiss dusted herself off.
I look into the sky and thought of how to pass the exams. I was brought back to reality by Weiss shaking me.
Weiss: Hey, you okay? You've been spacing out lately.
(Y/N): Huh? Oh, Ugghh, yeah I'm good.
Weiss puffs her cheeks.
Weiss: Obviously you aren't. Come on you're coming with me.

Weiss holds my hand and drags me to their dorm. She opens the door and there was no one inside. She pulled out two chairs and ordered me to sit on one of the chair while she sat at the other.

Weiss: So what's bothering you?
(Y/N): Nothing.
Weiss: What's bothering you?
(Y/N): Like I said Nothing.
Weiss: We could do these all day Grave. Now What's.Wrong.
At this point on I know she won't stop and will not stop asking me.
(Y/N): *sigh* Fine, I give up.
Weiss smiles.
Weiss: Well if you were telling me you should've said so sooner.
(Y/N): *mumbles* I wouldn't have if someone wasn't pestering me.
Weiss: What?
(Y/N): Nothing. Anyway.....I'm bothered by....our Mid quarter exams....
Weiss: That's it? You're bothered by that?!
(Y/N): Well I'm not exactly from here, common knowledge here is new knowledge to me!
Weiss tries to hold her laughter.....but failed to do so.
Weiss: Wahahahahahaha
(Y/N): Yes, yes laugh it off on the guy who's not from here.
Weiss: Ahahahahahah......*cough* Sorry I tried to hold it in. Well let me just teach you.
(Y/N): You sure? I'm a hard person to teach.
Weiss: I would take that as a challenge.

Weiss then pulled out her notebooks out of the desk drawers and then signaled me to come closer to her. She began teaching me about our lessons; Grimm, dust, and Remnant's history. We've been at it for a while, sometimes she texts on her scroll, she even made mock tests of the things she taught me. After hours after hours we were finally finished, it was already night time.

(Y/N): We started 12:00 nn and we finished by 7:00pm. Seven hours of excruciating headache and lessons and words. *sigh* Good thing it's over now.
Weiss just cheerfully cleans up the desk and I helped her.
(Y/N): Thanks...Weiss. I owe ya.
Weiss: You're gonna owe me plenty if you pass the tests.
(Y/N): Haha, funny.
Weiss: I'm dead serious.
I gulped.
(Y/N): Can I get out of this?
Weiss: Hmmmm Nope.

I left the room. I feel like I've been played with. I went to our hangar, I took off my pilot suit and laid down on bed with only wearing my boxers. I drift to sleep.

I flutter my eyes open and saw my clock 4:00 am huh. Well time for some work outs I did some push ups, sit ups, planking, jumping jacks, jogging, punching the punching bag. After my work out it was already 6:00 am classes start at 7:30 am. I decided to take a long bath to relax.

Weiss POV

I woke up at 6:12 am. I did some stretching and took a bath, while in the bath I contemplated on what happened between me and Grave yesterday. I sank into my bathtub as soon as I remembered how close I was when explaining some problems to him I hope he didn't think I'm weird. I always liked Grave....even if our first meeting was a bit extreme, with him holding onto me while pointing his gun at my head. Eventually he apologized a lot of times and I accepted it. Through out his stay at beacon I always guided him and teach him somethings he find hard to understand. I then realized that he's mostly a joker, he likes to joke around especially when someone is teaching him. Although sometimes he would get serious from time to time. He's also caring to his friends and his partner, Savage. He would do maintenance checks on Savage then repair any problems that pops out, sometimes he would skip classes just to keep Savage company. I guess both of them went through a lot in their planet.

I know! I'll wake him up he might have overslept! I thought to myself as I stood up and dried myself. I wore my uniform and went out the bathroom. I saw most of my teammates waking up. Blake was rubbing her eyes and yawning. Yang was stretching her back which made her chests jiggle, I instinctively covered my chests Why does the world have to be cruel and unfair! Ruby....Ruby is Ruby, she's trying sit up and was resisting to lay down on the bed again.

Me: I'm off first. I have to wake Grave up, he might've overslept.
Yang: Looks like Ice Queen likes someone~
Me: No I don't!
Yang: Oh, then you don't mind if I take Grave~
I blushed when she said that.
Me: I-I do mind! We need to focus on studies first! A-a-a-a-and....Dolt!
I shouted then slammed the door as I went out the room.

I made my way to the hangar where both of them are staying. I was knocked and no one answered. I was gonna knock again then the door opened slightly. I opened the door and made myself in. His room is...somewhat neat. He has a pile of books and papers placed on one side of the room. Wires, blueprints, dust tubes, and mechanical parts littered his workshop. I remember he has to make Ammunitions for his guns and Savage's guns. I sat on his bed Where is he?


I heard a click sound and looked to the side where the sound came from. It came from the bathroom door opening, there stepped out Grave with only a towel covering his lower half while he was drying his head with a towel. I saw his bare body those abs, muscles, a well toned body.... I thought to myself then my mouth opened on it's own. He noticed me and just said

Grave: Oh, hey Weiss, didn't see you there.
He casually greeted me while drying his head. I was blushing really heard.
Me: D-d-d-d-Dolt! Idiot! Pervert!
I shouted at him then ran away.


Weiss shouted at me then ran away. I casually hang my towels and wore my underware and uniform. While buttoning my long sleeve Savage talked with me.

(Y/N): Why?
(Y/N): Wha-Really?! Crap!
I hurridly put on my uniform and ran out to apologize to Weiss.

3rd person POV

The 5 carrier starships jumped into Remnant space. In one of the biggest carrier ship stood a figure behind a shadow.

Grunt1: We've arrived General Simon.
The figured walked out of the shadow, he was wearing a black eye patch and has a scar across his face. He was wearing white longsleves, a red and white general's coat with an IMC logo on the upper left corner of the chest.
General Simon: Good. This place was the planet with abundant energy source. We could use that energy source and build another fold weapon, we could also make use of the planet as our base. The best part, there's no Militia in sight.

~End chapter.

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