Chapter 6: I NEED BACK-UP!

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I was tinkering with the CCT tower. I have to make this work, Oz closed down the CCT tower for me, and IMC are somewhere in this planet. I thought to myself as I removed a communicator antenna off the brute Titan. I removed the huge dust crystal off the CCT and replaced it with a Titan battery. I then connected the huge dust crystal on the modified cockpit of the brute Titan. I sat on the seat and formatted the communication codes. Okay just have to change the domain...*typing*..the code coms...*typing*...server code...*typing*...IP code...*typing*...aaaaaaannnddd done. I got out of the modified cockpit and went to the tower's antenna where I built a modified satellite dish using the antenna from the brute Titan and some of the CCT's communications parts. Okay, done with the satellite dish, now just have to come down here and run some checks before starting. I jumped down the antenna, I landed safely because of my jump kit. I went inside the CCT tower, me and Savage did some checks and it was good to go. I just hope Uncle Jack is near this system...

I went inside the modified cockpit carefully sitting down so I won't hit some cables. I pulled out a keyboard and monitor and started typing the start-up program codes. After entering the codes I push the monitor and keyboard back to it's place and connected my helmet radio on the cord. I heard some heavy static. I turn the dial left to right until I hear a clear-"er" voice.

???: H*static*Who*static*WHO DA HELL IS THIS??
I remember this clueless voice
(Y/N): UNCLE JACK!! It's me! Your nephew! (Y/N) (L/N)!
Uncle Jack: (Y/N)?! Wait this better be a prank! Whoever you are you're dead to me!
(Y/N): No! This isn't a prank! It's reall me! Look, I know a secret we both know! You secretly have a crush on Commander Sara Briggs! You told me this when we were thrown fastball once. You hoped I didn't hear it, but I did. You told me to keep it a secret since then!
Uncle Jack: (Y/N)! It really is you! And you just broadcasted it on the whole fucking ship!
(Y/N): not my fault.
Uncle Jack: *groans* Anyways it's a good thing you're alive, but what happened?! Where are you?!
(Y/N): Look, I'm seemed to have been teleported to a far off planet from Teras when the fold weapon's core exploded. Look, what's important right now is that I NEED HELP! IMC managed to make their way here! They may be planning to use this planet as a supply port and a base. THIS PLANET HAS A HUUUUGGGEEE POWER SOURCE it's called DUST! One Titan battery cannot come close to this power source.
Uncle Jack: Okay, we're now tracking this line.
A few moments later.
Uncle Jack: Okay kid, you're lucky. The ship's position is at least near that system. Expect us to be there bbbyyyyy 2 and a half weeks.
(Y/N): Crap, that long?
Uncle Jack: We could try to boost up on our way.
(Y/N): Okay, just get here as soon as possible.
Uncle Jack: Okay. Do your best to hold out till then. Godspeed (Y/N).
I heard concern in his voice.
(Y/N): You too uncle.

The channel ended, I removed the jack and then laid back on the chair and sighed. worked....they don't call us Junkyard Rats ( Author: This is the name of your mercenary group....well "used to be" after the IMC killed your friends and made you watch as they kill them.....but that's a story for a different chapter) for nothing..... I then walk out of the cockpit and turned to the Titan battery. I checked how much is left 5% huh, it was a good thing I made it in time.

(Y/N): Savage, help me clean this up.

I started to disassemble my modification to the tower and then reassembled it's old parts.

Weiss POV

We went to the CCT tower to check on (Y/N). While on our way there we met Sun, the monkey Faunus who helped Blake at the docks. Behind him was a blue haired guy, wearing a red jacket. (Author: Don't hate me guys, I twisted the original RWBY storyline for my own convenience.....please don't hate 😔)

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