Is this a dream?

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Sarah's POV

I woke up around 10 lookin to the ceiling it didn't look like (y/n)'s ceiling at all. It was a pretty sky blue. I also realized I'm in a bed! I went to sleep on the floor!

I look around the room seeing pictures of me and my presumed mom and dad, they looked sorta like my parents, but not quite there. The walls of the room were black my favourite colour. Just then my presumed mom walked in "Good morning Honey, you have to get ready for school, It's your first day after all!" And with that she left me alone
"What the fuck" I whispered under my breath.

(Y/n)'s POV

I woke up to an alarm it sounded funny and I don't remember setting an alarm...... "OH FUCK" I screamed looking around the room. This wasn't my room........ It looked nice though it had wood flooring a white ceiling and (f/c) walls. Soon a man that looked like my father came in "Sweetie you gotta get ready for your first day at school" he said in a sweet tone. "M'kay dad." I said like a normally would. I recognized this house, this was an empty house in South Park!

I pulled out my phone and started texting Sarah
(Y=you S=Sarah)
S-yea where the fuck am I?
Y-name your room!
S-ok ok Jesus Christ.... Black walls, Sky blue ceiling, and white carpet.
S-hold up where are we
Y- we are in South Park Sar!
Y-you heard me meet me at the bus stop at 7:30
S- k cya then!

With that said you put your phone away put on a (f/c) t-shirt, blue jeans, a black jacket, a (f/c) toque, and brown boots. You then ran downstairs to eat something before you left. You ended up grabbing some pop tarts and running off to the bus stop.

(Sorry if this is un eventful I swear it's gonna get better! -Author-Chan~)

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