The decision

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(Y/n)'s POV
I turn to Kenny, then look back at the others. Everyone looks to me as the three girls were knocked unconscious. I started feeling like Tweek, it was so much pressure.

Kenny grabbed my hand forcing me to look at him, "(y/n) I'll accept anything that you say." He said looking me in the eyes. In his eyes I could see a glimmer of hope.

I turned to Anna, "You can fix his rep if I ask so right?" I asked her which she responded with a small hesitant nod. "Can you do that now please?" I ask my hand still in Kenny's.

"As you wish madam" Anna said with a giggle, getting the guys to pick up the girls and throw em somewhere that they would not bother us.

Everyone went somewhere except for me and Kenny who sat in a peaceful silence. Until it was interrupted by arguing.

Sorry it's a short chapter, there should be another chapter up later today :DD Toodles till later <3

Action at every Turn (Kenny x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now