Its not over

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(Y/n)'s POV
I was walking home, alone. Bad idea I know, nothing ever happened to me before. Key word: before.

I was halfway home when I was slammed onto the concrete walkway. All I could see was a flash of silver and teal before a rag was placed over my mouth and I was thrown into a deep slumber.

~time skip brought to you by me actually writing 😅 wow what a surprise~

I woke up, I couldn't see anything. I started to take in my surroundings, I was in a dark room with my arms, legs and torso tied to a pole. There was a small window in the corner letting the smallest bit of moonlight into the room.

I started struggling against the ropes holding me to the pole. The ropes around my torso loosened a bit, but nothing else happened.

I gave up and went limp in my bindings, until a door opening caused me to jolt upwards.

The door opened from behind me, so I couldn't see the person entering. The door closed and the person walked around me. I could barely see the silhouette of what appeared to be a villain of a tv series.

...and then my brain clicked, teal, sliver, villain.

"Chaos..." I spat out "Yes my dear~" he replied in a taunting tone "let me go fuck face" I then proceeded to spit on his shoes "Hey that's not how your supposed to treat me now is it?" I replied by spitting on his other shoe. "I'll be saved, you'll see" he slapped me across the face. "You don't speak that way, you will be obedient unless you would like to be killed." He barked at me.

He undid the binding on my torso and instead put a collar around my neck. He untied my hands and legs after attaching the collar to the pole. "You touch the collar and it will send a shock through your whole body that will paralyze you.... and then you won't be allowed the freedom you have currently." Chaos replied sharply

Chaos then proceeded to walk out of the room locking the door behind him.

I sighed and sat down, I could move about a meter in any direction, but I didn't want to. I eventually fell asleep on the cold hard concrete floor.

~time skip brought to you by commercials those fucking bastards~

I woke up stretching, my back hurt like hell. I saw a small candle, next to it was a note and a plate of toast.
The note read:
Here's your food, don't spill it, it's all your getting. Mwahahahaha

I cringed at the note and ate the toast, half expecting for it to be poisoned and me dying right after, but, to my joy I was fine.

There really wasn't much to do in this room. There was nothing in the room except for the fucking pole I was chained to. So I did the only thing I could, I grabbed the pole and spun around like a child. Most fun I've had.

I then thought to myself "SHIT! I was supposed to hang out with Kenny and Anna today! FUCK! FUCK! FUUUUCCCCKKK!" I then proceeded to repeatedly punch the ground, knocking myself out in the process.

Anna's POV

I was at Tweek Bros with Kenny, (y/n) is supposed to be coming but both me and Kenny have this pit in our stomachs.

We stood there for a half an hour before getting worried. We walked to (y/n)'s house to check on her.

We came to her house and Kenny knocked on the door. There was no answer so he tried the knob, the door was surprisingly unlocked. "Weird.... she always locks the door..." I say only loud enough for Kenny to hear.

We checked the whole house top to bottom and didn't find her. As we were going to leave to check if she left and took a different route we saw something on her Tv.

(Italics are the tv :3)

Professor Chaos strikes again this time taking a teenage girl into his custody. He requests Mysterion and Ebony's lives in return for the girls.

Police are doing all that they can to catch this criminal and bring him to justice...

Me and Kenny locked eyes. OUR LIVES?!? We immediately assumed that the girl was (y/n). We ran to two different rooms to get changed.

I walked out in my normal outfit, consisting of a black and red striped sweater with matching pants, a red mask, brown boots, black gloves, and my tool belt. I threw my hood up over my red hair and walked out to see Mysterion already ready to go.

We jumped onto the roof and heard people gasp, it's not everyday you see two superheros, let alone ones that hated eachother.

We eventually reached Professor Chaos's Lair. I calmly knocked on the door. One of Chaos's minions answered and I kicked him, knocking him out cold. This rescue was gonna be successful.

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