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Anna's POV

I left (y/n)'s house and started waling toward mine. If this was gonna work I'm going to need to prepare.

When I finished I was left with two things, a weaponized outfit for school tomorrow, and a costume. What was this costume for you ask? Well I'm gonna visit Mysterion and talk about a certain someones misery and who caused it.

I then got the costume on and hoped out my window, not that my parents would give a shit but, it made me feel cool. I jumped up onto the rooftop and ran to where Mysterion was normally stationed. Just as I suspected, there he was sitting, bored out of his mind. I bet I could give him some entertainment.

I walked up to Mysterion making sure to disguise my voice enough so he couldn't tell it was me. "Hey" was all I said which he quickly responded with "Who are you?" going into a fighting pose. "Woah, woah, buddy calm down you just looked bored so I came to talk." I said taking a seat next to the ledge motioning for him to sit down next to me, which he did, reluctantly.

"So what did you wanna talk about" he askef still suspicious of me, "I dunno, life I guess." I replied "so whats your life like?'' I asked him "Well this girl I used to hang yelled at me and ran off. I haven't seen her since. Its been 4 days now" he said with his head hanged low. "Well that's funny, I've been going to my friends house for 4 days now, because this dick broke her heart." I said internally smirking.  "How'd he do that?" he asked actually interested. "Well she was going to the park after having a slow day because her crush wasn't there to talk to and her friends were off doing other things, there she saw her crush she was gonna walk away cause she left neglected, like she didn't matter to him so she wasn't gonna waste his time." i stopped there knowing it started to click in his brain.

Kenny's POV

'Wait she liked me? and she already felt like she didn't matter.' i thought to myself as this masked woman told me the story. "Continue" i said trying not to sound guilty. "Well he called her over, and started to talk about this other girl he had sex with. an how amazing she was, in personality, and in bed. She got upset and ran off, now she wont leave her house and she looks like shit, it would be lucky if she wouldn't be crying when i walk in." she said finishing the story. "Well i should be off. Bye!" she said and with that she disappeared into the night.

If shes talking about who i think shes talking about then i really fucked up.

Anna's POV

I ran back to my house and hopped back through my window. i took of my costume and went to sleep cause tomorrow is gonna be interesting.

~Le time skip brought to you by knives, one of the best killing materials~

Anna's POV

i woke up and put on the outfit, my green jacket, brown finger-less gloves and brown knee-high boots. i walked out the door with a pop-tart eating it whilst walking to the bus stop.

When i got to the bus stop i could only see one person, Kenny McCormick, my blood boiled just seeing him standing there. I walked over to the bus stop and leaned against the post, 110% ignoring Kenny.

As time went by the other guys showed up, Stan arrived, then Kyle, and lastly Cartman. Sarah showed up and we started talking, I looked over at the guys and saw everyone talking, except for Kenny, he was looking guilty as hell, my plan was working perfectly.

The bus came and we all got on Cartman sat with Kyle, Stan sat with Wendy, Sarah sat with me, and Kenny sat all by himself staring out of the window.

After the short bus ride to the school we all got off and headed our separate ways, normally I would be heading to class with (y/n) but she's still depressed at her house.

Before I went to my class I stopped by Kenny's locker slipping in a small note, luckily nobody saw, but it's not like I care anyways. I then headed to class to meet up with Craig and the guys to start creating mischief.

Sorry for the very slow updates I'm going through a few things in my personal life that I'm trying to fix. I will try to keep updating more frequently though! Have a good day everyone! :D

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