This is real?

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(y/n)'s POV

I ran as quickly as i could to the bus stop seeing a group of four familiar faces 'OH FUCK I FORGOT ABOUT THEM!' i thought to myself. good thing they haven't noticed me yet at the bus stop were Cartman, Craig, Kyle, and Stan waiting for the bus. I saw Sarah on the other side of the street and ran to her i jumped on her and scared the crap outta her, she was wearing a black t-shirt, white jacket,black boots,grey leggings,a black toque,and grey mittens.

I pointed to the guys and Sarah gasped probably internally fan girling. After about a minute of her stupid giggling i saw a certain blonde boy in a orange parka, and soon I'm joining her with her fan girling. 

We see the bus starting to come up so we rush our asses over there so we can get on. By the time we get there everyone is on the bus already. We got on the bus and sat near the back next to each other. We new how shitty everyone acted to each other so we tried to keep to ourselves. We soon regretted picking a seat near the back, as the boys were a seat ahead of us. We didn't mind it till we heard Cartman yell "I'M NOT FAT I'M JUST BIGGED BONED YOU STUPID JEW!" Which any reasonable South Park fan would laugh at so of coarse we started giggling "WHAT YOU LAUGHING AT SLUTS?" we heard Cartman yell at us we looked at each other with a look that said 'shit..............' "N-nothing" "Leave them alone Fatass!" we heard the boy next to him that we presumed was Kyle. "I'M NOT FAT YOU STUPID JEW!!!!" Cartman yelled at Kyle. Me and Sarah exchanged glances saying 'exactly what the fuck happened?' after that we didnt question it any further and just sat on the bus in silence.


We arrived at school finally, we all got off the bus and went into the school. We went to the principals office and he gave us our locker numbers and our locker combos.

We walked straight to our new lockers which were right next to each other luckily. We opened our lockers and put some stuff in there before heading to our first class.

Our first class was English. We walked into the classroom and the Teacher introduced us to the rest of the class, he said this is Sarah Fredricks, and (y/n) (l/n). Don't be too much of an asshole to them. The class snickered and we knew this class was gonna be hell.

(This fan fic defiantly sucks Cartamans balls)

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