The meeting

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Kenny's POV

After I finished my classes for the day I went to my locker to put my books away. As soon as I opened it a note fell out, it had very fancy handwriting, it read:

Dear Kenneth,
I wish for you to meet me behind the school after classes, we need to talk.

Your nightmare~

I dropped the note 'SHIT' I threw all my books into my locker and ran out of the school. I stopped for a moment to consider if I should run now or go,

Before I got the slightest thought into my brain I was pulled towards the back of the school by two people, I tried to fight but they were stronger than I was.

Once I was dragged to the back of the school I was thrown on the ground. I looked up to the people who grabbed me, Craig and Clyde, great, I was in for it. She was gonna come, and it wasn't gonna he pretty considering she had her group surrounding the area so I couldn't escape.

Eventually I saw a flash of green and brown around the corner, and then I saw her cold grey eyes locking to my blue ones, and I knew right then that I wasn't getting here without a mark on me.

Anna's POV

That fucker, Token told me he tried to run before coming to see me. I walked around he corner to see the guys keeping him here, nice, I walked up to him and slapped him. He fell backwards and rubbed his cheek.

"You asshole" I death glared him "You don't escape from me don't you remember that from last time?" I didn't think he did remember last time he tried to run, he gets it worse when he runs and he should know it.

"W-what do you want?" He asked his voice shaking, "I just want to know one thing..." I trailed off gaining his interest and provoking more fear in him. "What?" He asked me I stepped forwards so there was only two inches between us. "Was it worth it?"

As soon as I said those words I threw him against the wall my rage taking over, "was it FUCKING worth it" he didn't reply letting me beat him up, he knew what I was talking about, and he knew I was going to make his life a living hell until someone stopped me.

I used my blade and slashed a small heart on his face drawing blood. I didn't care if he bled or died, I slashed the heart down the middle breaking it in two, everyone was gonna know this was me, but I didn't care he's gonna have a reminder of it on his face for the rest of eternity.

"Cmon guys lets go we are done dealing with the trash" and with that me and the guys walked off leaving Kenny to his bleeding face.

Once we got to the front of the school we all went our separate ways everyone heading to their homes, except for me, I went to (y/n)'s house.

I calmly knocked on her door and waited for an answer.

(Y/n)'s POV
I heard a knock on the door, I didn't wanna talk to anyone but two people knew what to say to get in, I stopped and waited if it didn't come within 5 seconds of the knock I wasn't going to get the door. Then I heard it screamed at me "I BROUGHT YOU SHIT (Y/N)" I chuckled slightly Anna could be funny when she wanted to.

I went down the stairs and opened the door, Anna stood there holding a small teddy bear and some coffee (if u don't like coffee then put something else XD) I let her in and we sat on my couch. She passed me the teddy and the coffee "His name is Mathew" she said referring to the teddy bear, "Thank you" I said and for the first time in a week I gave a genuine smile which she returned.

"Are you going to come to school tomorrow" she asked me, I thought for a second "Yes yes I am"

Action at every Turn (Kenny x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now