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(Y/n)'s POV

We sat in two seats in the back of the classroom. The teacher was just talking on and on about how much Justin Bieber sucked and I wasn't gonna pay any attention whatsoever to it. So I did what any normal teenage girl would do, I started to pass notes with Sarah and talk about boys.
(M=you S=Sarah)
M- Saraaaahh?
S-Tf you want (y/n)
M- any boys you liiiike?~
S-Butters is pretty cuuute, what about you?
M-I-i think Kennys c-cute
A-fuck you Sarah
S-fuck you too (y/n) :D

And with that said we stoped passing notes as the teacher started to get suspicious of us. The bell rang for lunch and we hurried to the cafeteria we grabbed a bit of food and decided there was too many people in there for our lil introverted selves to be in there alone. So we went outside to eat, there was a little bit of wind but we didn't mind it was very peaceful out there.  

Well it was until we saw a very familiar Fatass and his friends storm out. They didn't notice us at first which we were glad about until Fatass over there heard Sarah take a bite of here chocolate bar 'DAMMIT SARAH!!!' I thought to myself.

"WHOS THERE" Cartman yelled whilst stomping around. Hey looked to Kenny and yelled "GO LOOK TO SEE IF ANYONES OVER THERE WHILE WE CHECK OVER HERE!!" Kenny nodded with agreement and walk towards us

He said "Hey guys what's up?" We looked at him very confused on what in the fucking world was going on. He then said "ok, ok I'll cut to the chase, I'll tell Cartman you aren't here and help you sneak out......" "for what?" Sarah said knowing that there was a catch. "If you give me your phone number" he said whilst pointing at you.

"O-ok" you said while writing down your phone number "Here you go Kenny" you said handing him the paper slip. "Thanks" he said then smiled and left.

You saw him wink at you and distract the group long enough for you two to get out. You guys ran to the bathroom and Sarah said "I think someone has a crush on you" and you yelled back "SHUT UP"

(Ooooo~~ what do we have here ;D this is still shit but it's getting less shitty)

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