New kid?

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Anna's POV

I told Craig I was fine and took out some gum and stuck it in my mouth. I knew what I had, and I knew how to fix it, but I didn't want to.

That's an effect of a werewolf like myself, we will be aware of our curses, but we never want to break them if it has ANYTHING to do with another person.

Just so happens it does and when he's oblivious, I'm not doing anything. A tear slipped down my face, I quickly wiped it away just as Mr.Boring started talking. He was introducing a new girl, Archer, cool name.

She was slightly shorter then me, but I don't blame her, I'm not my original height. She had platinum blonde hair that stopped about a centimetre above her shoulders. She had pale sky-blue eyes that darted around the classroom, I felt pity for her, I was in her place once.

She got called to sit with Sarah, I looked over in their direction and caught Kyle's eyes. I looked away, tearing up. I still can't look him in his eyes. I have no clue why, I shouldn't hold on to things, but at this rate everything seems like a distant dream.


I was sitting in the corner alone at break, a cut up my arm, scratches all over my legs, and a nice big gash on my cheek.

They hurt me again, they wouldn't leave me alone. I curled up in a ball. I wished he was here to help me, but he wasn't. He was talking to them, smiling at them, laughing with them.

I felt cold, my vision grew dark. I passed out. Nobody noticed, not even him. I woke up to the bell, it was home time. I got up, almost falling back down and began to walk out of the school. I noticed the world was darker, I couldn't see very many colours anymore.

It's been a month since I came back and I wish I was dead. He doesn't care for me, so why do I go through this for him? I ask myself the same questions everyday.

I walk out of the school doors, and there they are, waiting for me. Kyle, I saw him, he was behind them, he was looking at me, but he wasn't doing anything, he just stood there.

They grabbed me, and I snapped. All my colour was lost as I took each of their arms off of me with strength I didn't know I had. I kicked them all to the side and rubbed my cheek. I took my once blue hat off my head and threw it at Kyle.

"Find me when you wanna help you bastard" and with that I left.

Flashback over

I didn't regret anything I did that day even though that group still had the scratch marks on their arms. I see them everyday and I laugh at them. They don't dare touch me anymore cause they know for a fact I can kick their ass.

The bell rang and I ran outta the school faster then Sonic. I ran up to the fence and jumped it with ease I walked along, going nowhere in general. I ended up finding myself at my old favourite spot, Starks Pond.

Kyles POV

I walked along my normal after school path carrying my bag in my hand. I walked along Starks Pond seeing the legendary delinquent herself, Anna.

What I didn't expect to her was her hat had fallen off, showing her green ears, they weren't bright anymore, not as I remember them. She saw me and I could have sworn I saw her eyes turn blue for a second, before they teared up.

Just as I was about to walk over I got knocked over by a girl running into me. We both fell into the pond and when I got out Anna was gone.

I recognized the girl that knocked me into the pond as Sarah. The new girl was standing roughly 5 feet from us, and Sarah hopped over to her and she ran away, Sarah ran after her. I was left all alone at Starks Pond.

Anna's POV

I was running. I didn't know where but anywhere would be better then back there. I didn't want to see him more than I had to. When I stopped running, I found myself at Craig's door.

I knocked gently, barely loud enough to hear. Craig came to the door and let me in. We sat down on his couch. "Why'd you come over?" Craig asked me. I responded out of breath "K-Kyle" he nodded slowly and leaned over looking into my eyes, he always did this.

"Your eyes flashed sapphire again" he said leaning back against the couch again. "I think you might be healing, although your never gonna get anywhere if you keep running from your problems." "Thanks Craig" was all I could manage to say before I left.

As I left I saw Kenny walking down the street, hood up and head down. I don't know why but he's been avoiding everyone. He'd walk to class alone, walk home alone, he wouldn't hang out with anyone, even though everyone is fine with him again.

I walk up to him, something strange for me to do but I did it anyways. "Hey" I broke the silence "You know (y/n) is calling everyone asking about you, she is worried about you"
I'm stunned to silence, why would she have to worry?

"Over what?" I asked slight venom lining my words. "(Y/n) wants to help you" he replied quietly "Well I don't fucking want help!" I yelled storming off. This was going to be a long night.

Sorry for not updating. My phone broke before I could finish the new part. I will try to get more chapters out soon!!! :DD

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