What should i do?

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(Y/n)'s POV
I laid on my bed, thinking about who might help Anna, but it was no use. I had no clue about her or what she did to others In the past. She never gave any hints, like she didn't want her case to be solved.

I eventually gave up, sitting on my bed. I went downstairs, since nobody was home I'd have to cook for myself, or I could order pizza. I decided to go for the second option taking out my phone and calling the pizza place.

After I got my pizza and ate it I thought to myself, if anyone would know anything about Anna who would it be. I immediately thought of Kyle, but I didn't know if that was the best choice seeing as I was digging in his business.

I went for Kenny thinking if Anna knew Kyle then she must have known Kenny. I called Kenny's number and waited for him to pick up.

"Hello?" He said as soon as he answered "Hey Ken you got a minute?" I responded "Ya I've always got a minute, what's up?" He asked me "did you know Anna before I came?" His breathing slowed he was taking really deep breaths, "Yes, yes I did" he said attempting really hard not to burst out in rage. "What was she like?" I asked Kenny took a deep breath.

"She was nice, almost like Butters but she was more wild, she was extremely innocent and would never put us in harm. I remember when she got back she was found on Kyle's doorstep, remembering everything but what happened when she was gone, and Kyle." He stopped there I could hear him moving around quickly, almost like he was checking his back. "Sorry I had to close the blinds" he said to me "Who was she closest to when she was like this?" I asked him this Information could be extremely helpful to me "Kyle..... definitely Kyle" He responded without hesitation. "When she showed up at his doorstep he was upset that she didn't remember him, but at the same time he was glad to have her back. Over time she grew to love Kyle, but when that word got out she was bullied called names like 'Jew Lover' or 'Desperate Bitch' it slowly broke her. It didn't help her that Kyle walked on like nothing was happening." he stopped to take a deep breath, then continued "Sometimes i feel bad for her, I know that present Anna, isn't Anna, somethings controlling her, she would never hurt a fly." he seemed kinda sad.

"Well Ken, I have reason to believe that this isn't truly Anna" I said, breaking the short silence "What colour where her eyes?" I asked "Sapphire Blue" he said "But they seem grey now.." he said trailing off in thought. "but Anna isn't normal" he said to me "What do you mean by that Kenny?" I asked him "Have you ever seen her without her hat?" I thought long and hard, everytime she slept over she woke up before me, or slept with her hat on. "No why?" I asked him "nevermind, Sorry (y/n) but i have to go." he said "Okay Ken, goodbye" "Bye" and with that he hung up. what was up with that?

I called Anna asking her if she wanted to come over, which she quickly said she would. I waited for a couple minutes before she knocked on the door. I opened it and she had her Iced Coffee in her hand and some Hot chocolate in the other, she passed me the hot chocolate as she walked in. She sat on the couch as I closed the door, I soon sat next to her.

"Hey Anna?" I asked not looking at her "Yes?" she asked turning to me "Can I see you without your hat on?" I asked slightly afraid "Your brave (y/n), nobody has asked to see me without my hat for 6 months" she gave a small chuckle "But sure, you can take it off" she gave a small smirk as I turned to her and reached my hand for the black beanie that she was wearing. I pulled it off with a small tug and gasped looking at her with awe.

On the top of her head were two jade green wolf ears, they have piercings on them. "Are those real?" I asked still in awe "Yeppers" she replied moving them around "Woah" I said looking at them. "They look weird to me when i see them" she said with a small chuckle which I could tell  was forced. "Can I touch them?" I asked without thinking "umm.... I guess you could" she said a little uneasy "I wont touch them if you don't want me to" I said looking at her locking my (e/c) eyes with her silver ones, which turned slightly blue for a second. She seemed zoned out, I let her think for a moment.

Anna's POV

*Flash back*

I was sitting next to Kyle, my hat was across the room and he was staring at my emerald ears, "Hey Anna?" He asked me avoiding my blue eyes "Yes Ky?" I asked him "Can I touch your ears?" He asked me. I blushed furiously "You do know what that means to a werewolf right?" I asked him "Not really I haven't done much research yet" He responded 

"Well normally only mates touch the others ears." I said just quietly so he could hear. He blushed as red as his hair "Well I till wanna touch them." he said "Then go ahead I'm not gonna stop you." I said and he reached up to my ears and touched them, I turned as red as a ripe strawberry. "So soft....." he said quietly as he continued petting me, I'd be lying if i said i didn't like it.

He ran his fingers through the emerald hair switching for ear to ear every so often. It was like a drug I could never get enough of this, my ears were very sensitive. He pulled away and blushed pink seeing me still red. "Did I make you uncomfortable?"  he asked me "No, I liked that." 

*Flashback over*

(Y/n)'s POV

When Anna snapped out of her trance she said I could touch her ears, they were soft, but the hairs were tangled. She decided she was gonna stay the night since it was late, before we went to sleep I looked at her to see her ears had gained pigment and her eyes had become slightly blue. I was helping already.


I have a challenge whoever can guess which of the two inserted characters (Anna, Sarah) are based off of myself, will get a prize of their choice. The choices for Prizes include but are not limited to, Character backstory, Inserted Character, info about the story (what the fuck these shitheads did and might do next), and requests may be taken. Well good luck, and remember First one to get it wins the prize ;3.

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