The past

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(Y/n)'s POV
Me and Kenny both got up from where we were sitting and moved towards the corner, where the arguing was coming from. There was one female voice and one male voice.

Me and Kenny cautiously peeked around the corner to see Anna and Kyle on opposite sides of the path yelling at each other.

"Anna why the fuck would you do that?" Kyle yelled at Anna's back "Because Kyle maybe I want to protect someone!" She yelled whipping around to face him. "And why would you go that far! They didn't deserve that!!" Kyle yelled at Anna stepping a foot forward. "BECAUSE MAYBE I WANTED TO HELP SOMEONE WHO WAS BULLIED!!! unlike you did for me" she said leaning against the wall. It was silent for a few minutes, the tension between the two was unbearable. Kyle finally broke the silence "You dont have to be the biggest rebel" "But YOU made me this way" Anna said exaggerating the 'you' part.

"What do you mean?" Kyle said stepping towards her in a calm manner "You knew about it, look at me, my eyes, they are no longer blue, you saw them, you compared them to the sea and the sky. They are as grey as this dumb school." Kyle sat dumbfounded "Kyle, I can't see colour anymore." Anna whispered almost so we couldn't hear her.

Me and Kenny looked at each other giving the 'should-we-interrupt-them-or-leave' look. I decided to turn away and Kenny followed, leaving the two alone to work out their problems.

~le time skip brought to you by magic legends and myths~

Still (y/n)'s POV
When Kyle and Anna left so did we, Kenny had to go home so he left. While I went to the library to research what the hell Anna was talking about.

When I got to the library I asked he lady for a book of legends since this sounded out of the ordinary, she handed me a big book that had apparently just been signed back in after being out for over 6 months.

I sat down on one of the chairs and opened the book, flipping through the pages until I found a page about eye colours.

Page 172

Through mythology people believe that eye colour can effect the personality and the world around one person.

How to manipulate this would be to take away something or someone precious to another, or, break down the person to the point of self hatred.

How to tell if someone is under this affect: they may appear paler then usual, have steel grey eyes, and be overly aggressive and dramatic.

Eye colour can also determine personality:
Blue : Kind full hearted often has a heart of gold, but can be protective.

I skipped over the rest of that section reading onwards.

Though not always completely accurate with some people showing other colours traits, it is something to go off of.

Symptoms: colour blindness, cold skin, appearance difference, preference difference.
In animals it may also affect smell

I closed the book. This is exactly what was described, but how would you fix it?

I decided to call up one of the smartest people I knew to lend me his mind.

(Y/n)'s Phone
T=Token Y=You
Y-Your smart right?
T-Guess So?
Y-great meet me at my house in 15 minutes

I put down my phone and checked the book out of the library and ran to my house. I opened my door and sat the book on the coffee table in front of my couch.

Moments later the doorbell rang and i opened it to let Token in.

He sat down on my couch "If you needed someone smart why didn't you just call Kyle? He's the smartest." Token states simply "I don't want him knowing that I'm digging in this" I flipped the book open to the myth that I was pretty sure concerned Anna.

"So this myth I was thinking, if it was real, how would you break it?" I asked him "Well that's pretty simple (y/n) you would replenish what was taken from the person, or you would have someone that matters to them lift their spirits" he stated as if I was supposed to know that, although now that I thought about it, I was kinda dumb.

"Thanks Token" I said giving him a warm smile "Anytime" he said giving a small smile before he left again.

But who in this whole wide world would Anna like enough to break her curse?

Oh woes me~~ who could it diddly darn be? Guess you'll have to wait

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