The park

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(Y/n)'s POV
After I gave Kenny an eye roll to the name he probably called every girl on the planet I asked him what he wanted to do.

"I dunno wanna go to the park?" He responded "why not it's better than this place" I said as I started walking towards the park the blonde boy following closely behind. When we got to the park we sat on a bench and stayed to talk about life.

"So how did you get here, I didn't see you move in and well unless both you and Sarah were locked in your houses for 16 years then you didn't live here before" he asked with a curious look on his face. "Well it's a long story, that nobody here will understand except for Sarah" I responded looking down showing that I didn't want to talk about it "ok..." he said slightly disappointed "however you got here I'm glad you did you seem cool" he said with a smile. "Thanks" I said with a very small blush on my cheeks.

~Time skip brought to you by lack of sleep~

"Well it's getting late I should head home" I said looking at the time on my phone. "Well bye (y/n), guess I'll see you tomorrow!" He yelled as I ran to my house as to make it in time for supper.

I got to my house and walked in the door "DAD IM HOME!!!" I yelled loudly so that he could hear me. He walked into the room "how was school?" He asked me as I took off my coat and boots " it was cool" I replied giving him a hug like normally would. "Did you make any friends?" He asked as we walked over to the dining table in the kitchen "yeah I made some new friends" I replied taking a seat. " I could tell, you came back late" he said with a laugh. I then started eating

~le time skip brought to you by food (nom nom nom)~

I went up to my room and started getting ready for bed. I took out my favourite (f/c) pjs and brushed my teeth. When I came back into my room and sat on my bed I heard a nock on my window.

I went over there to see who it was, I found Sarah on the tree next to my window clinging for dear life. I quickly opened the window and pulled her in.

"Sarah what were you doing out there you could have walked through the door!" I said to her as she sat on my floor "nah this is too important for doors" she said sassily "well then what is it?" I question looking at her "I gave butters my number!!!" She said excitement lacing her words I almost fangirl screamed right then and there, but I knew I had to keep my cool.

"That's good!" I exclaimed to her, "I know! Look I'll text him right now!" She pulls out her phone and starts tapping. A minute later it dings "well it looks like he's good at responding" I laughed. While she was texting Butters she asked me "Hey where were you like half of the day?" I replied "A certain blonde pervert wanted to skip with me and I just couldn't say no" "good excuse " she said looking back down at her phone. She looked at the time and said "Welp I gotta go I'll see you tomorrow!" She then proceeded to climb out the window because doors were too lame for her to use.

I sighed and looked at my phone, nothing, I got a glass of water and lid down in my bed falling asleep quickly.

Author note

Sorry if it's short, I'm trying to update more regularly so the chapters may be short or long. And thank you to all the people who support this book!

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