Shit gets real

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(Y/n)'s POV
I watched as Anna and Clyde came around the corner with screaming Bebe. "J-Jesus" Tweek said as he was sitting next to me on a blanket laid on the ground. I watched as they put Bebe in the last chat and tied her the same as the others, they were now all screaming.

"What did you do?" Anna asked as she cracked he knuckles, "WE DID NOTHING I SWEAR!" Wendy yelled struggling against the bindings. "Then what's this?!?" Anna said taking Tokens phone and showing them a picture of my locker. Stan, Token and Clyde already confirmed that that was their writing on my locker.

Then after all the girls went silent we heard footsteps. They were slowly getting closer as if cautious. We knew it wasn't a teacher, it was a student. Everyone turned to face the intruder.

Walking around the corner came Kenny, with a goofy smile on his face, that was until he was his group of chicks tied to chairs.

"What the fuck are you guys doing?!?" He yelled at Anna, " Well why don't you ask your 'harem' what they did to deserve a punishment." Kenny stood in shock he knew Anna was bad but never thought it this bad.

We went up to the girls, the guys glaring him down, and looked at them one by one. "What did you guys do?" He asked very calmly with a soft and soothing voice, the only thought rushing to my head, he never looked at me like that, he never talked to me like that.

Without realizing it a few tears escaped my eyes. Tweek noticed immediately, but instead of making it a big deal, he simply wiped the tears from my face and smiled. He whispered to me "it's gonna be f-fine, he may not have s-shown it but he really d-did like you."

My eyes opened fully at that comment, my cheeks flushing slightly. He like me? No way he couldn't like someone like me as he had popular girls that he could date. I'm nothing to him. Another year escaped my eye, Tweek wiped it again, this time not saying a word.

I gave him a slightly sad smile "Thanks Tweek your the bestest friend ever" I said to him in a whisper tone so the others wouldn't hear me. He smiled and we both turned back to the scene in front of us.

Bebe and Wendy stayed silent, embarrassed of their childish actions while Nicole, the only sane person in this situation, told Kenny everything in a blur.

He stepped back and his eyes coldened, I could feel his rage from here. "Why would you guys do that?" He asked sternly, a tone I've never heard him use before. "W-we'll she was g-gonna pull u-us apart" Bebe said fear lining her words.

Kenny turned to Anna giving her a small nod, allowing her to do whatever she wished. She grinned evilly at this and let out a small chuckle, freedom was not a good thing for her to have.

I ignored what Anna was doing to the gurls as I watched Craig grab Tweek to go clean my locker. Kenny walked over to me and took Tweeks place. "It's time" was all he said. Nobody was gonna tolerate him any longer I had to choose was I going to forgive him, or not?

Rumour has it that he and Bebe were dating, but I knew their relationship was broken after this. One time I looked out my window and saw them making out in front of my house, I didn't look outside again.

Would I forgive him for not?

(Will she forgive him? Or will she leave him to rot where nobody will ever give a shit about him? It's up to you to decide!! ;3)

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