Another day

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(Y/n)'s POV
I got up and rubbed my eyes, I turned and looked at my clock 7:46 'greeeaaaat....' I thought to myself as I have 14 minutes to get to the bus stop.

I went to my closet and grabbed a black shirt, (f/c) sweater, grey jeans, and leather boots. I brushed my hair and ran downstairs. I grabbed some pop tarts and ran out the door.

When I got to the bus stop everyone was there except for Kenny. 'Weird' I thought he was normally here by now. I dismissed the thought and waited silently till the bus pulled up. We all climbed in and I sat alone.

We got to the school and I went straight to my locker, I didn't feel like talking to anyone anymore so I avoided everyone. I went to all my classes without much interruption.

When I got out of school I decided to go to the park to get some fresh air. When I got there I saw none other then Kenny. The one kid who didn't come to school today.

I was about to turn around and walk to my house deciding that coming to the park was a bad idea, until I heard Kenny yelling my name.

I decided not to be rude and to actually talk to someone today. "Hey Ken." I said as he walked up to me with a grin on his face. "Wanna know what (y/n)" he asked enthusiastically. "What McCormick?" I asked only a letting a little bit of my annoyance show. "I managed to get in Bebe's pants last night! Apparently she's really into me!" He started to go on and on about how wonderful Bebe is.

I eventually got frustrated and yelled "WELL IF SHES SO GREAT THEN WHY ARE YOU WAITING YOUR GOD DAMED TIME WITH ME INSTEAD OF WITH HER!" He looked back with a surprised face as I stormed off.

I ran into my house slamming the door so hard I felt it was gonna break of the hinges. I slid down the door and balled up and started sobbing, I knew I didn't own him, and he could do whatever he wanted, but for some reason this really hurt me.

Kenny's POV
I watched (y/n) storm off, she looked upset. I was frozen in surprise she was never the girl to just burst and storm off after. I decided to text her.
(Kenny's phone) (K=Kenny Y=You)
K-(y/n) you there?
K-Why did you run off?
Y-go away
K-(y/n) why did you run off like that
Y-because I don't wanna hear your shit now fuck of McWhoredick

I stopped texting her, she never called me names. In fact if someone did she would defend me instead of joining in with everyone else. 'I fucked up' I thought to myself walking back to my house. I was exhausted and I didn't want to deal with this shit anymore.

~Le time skip of awesomeness brought to you by lack of sleep~

Kenny's POV

It has been three days since (y/n) stormed off from the park. I haven't seen her at all. Every time I see Anna or Sarah in the halls I get glares. I know I did something wrong but nobody will tell me what.

Anna's POV

(y/n) won't come out of her house, she hasn't come out for three days. Every time I go to see her she's sobbing or staring blankly at a wall deep in thought. She won't let anyone but me and Sarah into her house. I know it has something to do with Kenny, she's had a crush on him ever since she moved, but knowing Kenny he smashed a girl and bragged about it to her.

I decided to skip the rest of school and go to (y/n)'s house. I walked up the steps and knocked lightly on the door to the tune of 'do you wanna build a snowman' from frozen as that was the only knock she would answer to.

She opened the door with shaking hands, she looked horrible, her eyes here red and puffy, she looked like she hasn't slept in days, and her hair looked like it had never been brushed before.

I came inside her house and went to her room and grabbed some things. I came out with a hairbrush, her makeup, a wet wash cloth, hair ties, and a comfortable outfit for her.

"C'mon sweetie" I said to her in a sweet voice that I left for kids and hurt friends. "I'm gonna fix you up you look like you haven't slept in days or brushed your hair in forever" all I got in a response was "because I haven't"

She sat down next to me and I washed her face gently, I then put on some of her makeup and continued to brush her hair, I put her hair in two little braids. I handed her the outfit and told her to go change.

As she was upstairs changing I cleaned up her house, I found chocolate wrappers and ice cream containers everywhere. Just as I finished she walked down the stairs. Her (e/c) eyes looked faded and dead.

I sat down on the couch and motioned for her to sit next to me. "So why haven't you come out of your house for so long?" I asked partially knowing the answer. She looked down at the ground and said in a whisper "Kenny loves Bebe, not me" a tear slipped from her eye.

And then in that moment I knew, someone was gonna die, and it wasn't gonna be me.

Author note
Sorry it took me so long to update, I've been so busy with school that I couldn't find the time to update ;-; well I hope you liked this chapter and I hope you have a nice day/night! Toodles!!

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