The hangout

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(Y/n)'s POV
I decided to get my mind off of everything that was going on and just hangout with Kenny, Stan, and Kyle. We purposely left lard ass at home.

We all went to Tweek Bros Coffee shop and got some drinks. I got a (Favourite/Drink), Kyle got a normal coffee, Stan got a black coffee and Kenny got a hot chocolate.

We were all talking about the new guitar hero game and how we should all play it together when Anna and Craig walked in.

Anna went up to the counter first, we were close so I could hear she got a s'mores iced coffee. Craig went up next and got a black coffee, smiling at Tweek the whole time he ordered making the small boy blush.(I couldn't help it XD)

Anna and Craig got a table. Then Anna noticed us, she locked eyes with us one by one, her eyes last landing on Kyle were they flashed a sapphire blue. 'BINGO' I yelled in my head. I finally found who I need to get to help Anna.

I think too much about others sometimes, so I turned back to our conversation which just so happened to turn to school drama, I zoned out of that one.

~le time skip brought to you by doughnuts no clue why, just love em~

When we all finished with everything we had we had decided to go to Stans house to play the first guitar hero game.

We had to cross the street and we all walked single file across the road. All of a sudden a airplane came crashing down and hit Kenny spot on. (YOU THOUGHT THERE WAS GONNA BE A CAR DIDNT YOU? XD)

His body flew away from the aircraft and I ran over to him. I cradled him in my arms. (Voltron anyone? No? Okay ;-;) Blood gushed out of his open wounds as I held him close, crying my eyes out once again. With the last of his might he wrapped his arms around my neck in one last hug, before he passed.

I heard sirens, but they were too late. I was holding the one I love most in my arms, but he was dead. I kept crying, I never wanted it to end like this.

They pulled me off of him, I screamed and cried. I tried to wiggle out of their grip with no success. I could only watch as they pulled me and Kenny apart.

As soon as they got me away and stood me up I fell to my knees and bawled my eyes out. My heart was breaking over and over again. I eventually fell asleep right there on the sidewalk.

I woke up slightly to feel someone pick me up and carry me away, but didn't bother seeing who it was. They ran me away and opened a door. It was warm inside, I could hear a tv playing the news and a girl mumbling under her breath.

"Season" the person carrying me said as they walked past "Bitch" 'Season' replied to them.
They opened another door and put me on what I assumed was a bed. They turned back to close and lock the door.

To my surprise they tucked me under some blankets put a pillow under my head and went onto their laptop.

They hooked up all their things and started talking to people online.

"Yeah.... Sorry I'm late kitten I had to take
(y/n) home. I found her just laying on the sidewalk." I heard a soft reply saying that she wasn't waiting that long.

After that they started playing games and I fell asleep once again.

~time skip brought to you by the internet!! The beautiful thing that's helping you read this!!!~

I woke up to see a green room with red flame prints going up the walls. At the desk sat Anna, her green ears out so she could wear her headphones. She noticed I was awake and said goodbye to the people she was playing with and turned off the laptop.

"So your awake huh?" She said poking at my cheek "mhm" I sleepily said "C'mon get up" she pulled me up and I rubbed my eyes.

"What time is it?" I asked her "2:43 am" she responded looking back at her laptop which was sitting on the desk across the room.

"Why were you on the sidewalk?" Anna looked worried subconsciously scanning my body for any injuries. "It's a long story..." I responded trailing off in thought.

"Well we have all night" Anna said as she rolled her eyes and I explained. Halfway through the story I started crying and Anna gave me a comforting hug.

Then I heard a yell from downstairs "ANNA SHUT THE FUCK UP IM TRYING TO WATCH FUCKING TV!!!!" "SHUT YOUR ASSHOLE SEASON!!!" Anna yelled back harshly.

She looked back to me and her ears fell down to her head "you okay now? That sounds like an absurd story. Kenny was just on Snapchat 10 minutes ago...." she trailed off "Are you sure you didn't just get knocked out and have a weird dream?" Anna asked. I told her I was unsure and everything else went unsaid.

I eventually fell back asleep. Was it a dream?

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