2nd day

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???'s POV

I'm finally off suspension well looks like I have to go back to that hell hole of a school.

(Y/n)'s POV

I woke up this morning and put on a (f/c) shirt and blue jeans and black sneakers, I brushed my hair and then I went downstairs and got a piece of toast and went out the door. I walked to the bus stop and saw a girl already standing there.

I didn't recognize her, she was tall with hair that went just below her shoulders that was brown at the top and by the end was a fiery red. She wore black jeans, a black shirt, a green jacket, and a green hat with a black Pom Pom at the top, looking at it it looked like a green and black version of Craig's hat. She was also very tan with ice cold grey eyes.

I walked up to the buss stop and tried to mind my own business when Cartman and Kyle walked up bickering, "Hey Anna why the fuck are you over here and not with your fucking group?" Cartman barked at the girl "well fatass i decided today that I would be lazy and use the bus stop right next to my house, and I guess it's also a bonus I can kick your ass while I'm here!" She then leaned on the sign for the bus stop.

Kyle walked up to me and whispered "Her names Anna she was suspended for a month because she almost killed a kid who bullied her friend" "well at least she had her motives in the right place" I whispered back to him "yeah I guess" he said back and then we all fell into silence.

Kenny walked up next "whys the bitch here" he said gesturing to Anna not even caring if she could hear him or not, when I looked over she had her headphones in so I guess it didn't really matter what we said. Cartman then said "the bitch said that she was being lazy I bet she just wanted to come piss us off."

Sarah was next to come she looked at the girl leaning on the bus stop and then looked at me silently questioning who she was, I whispered to her "her names Anna she apparently was suspended for a month" she made an o formation with her mouth.

Stan came shot a glare at Anna and then started to talk to Kyle. The bus then pulled up and we all piled on. Sarah ran and sat with Butters so I was left to sit by myself.

Then I felt someone sit next to me and a voice say "hey" I looked over and there was the Anna girl "your one of the new girls right?" She asked me and I nodded in response. She held out her hand to shake which I could now see had black and green fingerless gloves on them, I shook her hand and she said "I'm Anna, people may say I'm a bitch but I'm truly not I'm just over protective of my friends." "My names (y/n) nice to meet you" I said in response. She looked scary but was quite nice I talked to her a bit more before we got to the school. Before we got off the bus she handed me a piece of paper and said " If your ever in a pinch or are just plain bored call me and I'll come running" she then game me a wink and left. I added the number to my contacts and ripped up the paper because who knows what she would do if she found out I lost it and someone else grabbed it.

I got off the bus and walked into the school ready for the shitty day ahead.

~time skip brought to you by scary lookin' characters~

The school day was almost over when I saw a certain hand with fingerless gloves up in the air "yes Anna?" The teacher said looking over at her seat "Hey teach can ya do us all a favour and skip the boring shit we all have lives and need to get this over with." I heard Craig's group snicker as one of their leaders basically told the teacher to shut the fuck up.

"Well Anna either you skip the bullshit or you can get outta my room and get detention." He then shot right back at her. " not that I wouldn't take the invitation the lord leave but I'm afraid I have important shit to do after I get out of this hell hole." She then said to the teacher.

The bell then saved us all from watching them continue arguing about who should shut up. I walked to my locker and saw Sarah " Hey Sar!" I said to her "Hey sorry I didn't sit with you I saw Anna sit next to you did she hurt ya?" She said while looking me up and down, we haven't had the chance to talk all day so I guess she was worried about it.

"Hurt why would I be hurt?" She looked at me like I had three heads " you do know she almost killed someone right?" She asked me still looking at me like I was crazy. "Yes I did know and did you know she almost killed a person that was bullying her friend?" I asked her with a bit of anger in my voice " Holy shit I didn't know that"
She said looking stunned. "Also I have her contact in my phone, I am officially one of her friends" I said teasingly sticking my tongue out. "Aww shoot man you gotta introduce me" she said as we walked out of the school we decided to walk that day because we really didn't like the bus.

We came up to our houses and split ways saying our goodbyes. I walked into my house and yelled "IM HOME" no response he must be at work still, I walked to the fridge to get something to drink when I saw a note on it.

Dear (y/n),
I'm going to be away on a work trip for the next two weeks I trust that you'll go to school normally and that you won't make any bad decisions. There is money for you on the counter and if you ever need more you know the code for the safe
-Dad xoxo

Well it looks like I'm home alone for the next two weeks.......

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