Love hate and war

905 13 23

(Y/n)'s POV
I woke up to an alarm, but it was Saturday. I thought it was funny until I looked at the time to see that it was 12 pm. "Great I woke up in time for lunch" I mumbled slightly sarcastic.

I noticed I was still in Anna's room so I looked around for the tall werewolf. I saw her curled up at the end of the bed like a little puppy, still fast asleep.

"I guess not even her alarm can wake her up" I whispered quietly to myself. I shook her slightly "Anna it's time to get up" I said softly she turned over and groaned "(y/n) it's too early..." she threw her arm over her eyes blocking them from light. "Anna it's 12pm get your ass up." I said firmly getting out of the bed.

Anna eventually got out of the bed and we got ready to leave.

Anna got into a green t-shirt, black ripped jeans, green gloves, a black leather jacket, green ankle boots, and a green beanie on top of her fiery red curls.

Anna let me borrow some clothes so I walked out in a black sweater, a (f/c) shirt, blue jeans, and (f/c) gloves.

Anna grabbed my hand and pulled me out of her room down the stairs into the living room. In the living room sat a young kid that looked about 11 years old. They sat on the sofa staring blankly at the news which had a new murder displayed.

Anna quickly pulled me past the child as she screamed "SEA YOU FUCK IM LEAVING" which Season yelled back "I HOPE YOU TRIP ON A ALLEY CAT!" Anna shrugged it off and kept pulling me along.

We eventually came upon Tweek Bros Cafe where we had breakfast before parting our separate ways.

I was walking down the streets putting my earbuds in my ears. I was walking calmly until I bumped into someone. We both fell down onto the ground and I got to see who it was.

I saw Kenny sitting on the ground across from me. I immediately tackled the poor boy while he was sitting there in shock.

I put my arms around his neck and squeezed him close. I was almost crying at this point into this poor boys shoulder. He slowly put his arms around me not sure what to do.

"Your alive....." I whispered into his shoulder and that's when he got really surprised. He tightened his grip on me, pulling me closer than I already was.

We pulled apart slightly so we could look at each other, he had tears running down his face and so did I. "Someone remembered.." he murmured while looking into my eyes lovingly. "Mhm..." I said wiping both of our tears.

We moved closer and closer our lips almost touching until "ACHEM" above us stood the legendary fatass Eric Cartman. We instantly jumped off each other.

"Not sorry to interrupt this moment of yours... but, I need this guy" Cartman then proceeded to throw Kenny over his shoulder and walk away. Kenny, knowing he had no chance of getting away, just let Cartman take him, although he did blow a kiss in my direction.

I watched as Cartman stole Kenny, and then I decided to go to the park.

~time skip brought to you by the rain, the weather that makes me wanna go outside and my parents want me inside~

When I got to the park 15 minutes later I sat at the edge of the fountain. I took in the pretty sight of all the leaves falling off the trees in all the red, orange and yellow colours.

I was so distracted I didn't see Kenny coming up to me. He sat down next to me and put his hand on my shoulder scaring me.

"KENNY! Don't to that!!!" I scream as I punch his shoulder. He just laughs as I continue to yell at him.

While I was in the middle of yelling at him he suddenly pulls me into his lap, silencing me immediately. He puts his hands on my waist and I put my arms around his neck. We lean in and before our lips touch I get ripped off of Kenny.

Kenny laughed as I fell down onto my knees before seeing who pulled me off of Kenny. "Agh... again?" I ask under my breath. I look up to see Anna, Sarah and the new girl. Anna was staring down Kenny, Sarah was holding out her hand for me to take, and the new girl was standing a while back.

I took Sarah's hand and got up, dusting off myself. "Goddam it you two!" I yelled punching them both, then everyone broke out in laughter.

I walk up to the new girl "Archer was it? My names (y/n) nice to meet you" I held out my hand for her to shake which she hesitantly took.

We all sat down around the fountain and talked for a bit before departing our separate ways. Maybe this day wasn't shit at all....... is it over already?

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