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He took her to their bedroom. It was beautifully decorated with flowers and candles. No doubt it was their first night together. It was 50 past 11. Amaira felt so nervous that her hands and legs shivered violently. Her hands became cold. Piyush gently put her on the bed. And she sat with her legs tightly pressed against her chest with her hands on top of it. She couldn't think more.

"Are you nervous dear?" Said Piyush calmly. "It's just you and me. No need to feel nervous its just a part of life." Amaira nodded.

"I want to ask you something if you don't mind." Said Amaira gaining courage and controlling her constant shiver.

"Yes you can go on." said Piyush kissing Amaira's forehead.

"Umm..were you in love before? I mean I can't be your first love." Said Amaira. "Just wanted to ask. And why did you choose me in all?"

"Okay, when you have asked let me tell. Girls want me desperately. They want me because of money and just because I'm famous. And then one day I saw you near your college in the canteen. You caught my eye. The moment I saw you I believed that you were born to be mine. You saw me but didn't run towards me for autograph or photograph. I was sure you didn't know me. There was something special about you that caught my attention. It's of course love at first sight. And yes, I've never been in love before. May be I liked few girls but not in love." Said piyush.

"Okay." Said Amaira as she smiled.
"Won't you ask mine?"

"No. I don't care if you ever loved someone. If you tell I'll probably feel jealous. And now you're mine. Only mine. No one can take you away from me. No one." Said Piyush without smiling this time.

"Oh no, I've never loved anyone. In this whole 22 years I only liked one person and that was you. Yes I liked you the moment I saw you near my college. And now I love you. I love you for who you are. I love your soul Piyush. You are my everything now." Said Amaira and hugged him. He hugged her back.

Amaira was about to leave the bed to remove her jewellery and by then Piyush caught her by her arms. He noticed something in her finger. He made her sit down again and examined her forefinger. It was a ring.

"Amaira, from where did you get this ring? As far as I remember I didn't pack this with rest of your jewellery." Said Piyush in a normal tone. "I told you to remove all the belongings you have from your side and wear what I gave, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry Piyush I can't remove this ring. It's my favorite. Anyways its not occupying my ring finger. The ring which you gave has beautifully settled in my ring finger, you see" Said Amaira showing her hand to him. "Two favorite rings.."

"No. You first tell me from where did you get that ring from?" Snapped Piyush.

"Piyush chill, its not any random boy's ring. It's my grandfather's. He gave it to me before he expired." Said Amaira in a low tone. She missed her grandpa. "You see it looks beau--"

"Shhhh... You are going to obey me. Remove that ring and give it to me." Said Piyush rudely.

"B-But Piyush.. Why?" Said Amaira being sad.

"I told you to obey me and remove the ring and give it to me."

"No Piyush I've never removed this from past 4 years its attached to my fingers. It's tight and wouldn't come out so please leave." she begged this time.

"It's not coming out? Well, I'll take it out." said Piyush. He bought a metal cutter from nearest drawer. Amaira was shocked. How on earth was he going to remove that tight ring from her finger?

He bought his metal cutter near to Amaira's finger. She winced. He pressed his metal cutter blade against her ring. It was tight. The blade wouldn't fit properly. But he was rough. He could hear Amaira screaming in pain as blood starting shedding from her finger. 'Shhhh..' was the only word he used.

"Piyush please. It hurts. You're hurting me." Cried Amaira. She couldn't bear the pain. It was penetrating through her skin. Deeply. But Piyush kept his work upright. He was not going to leave until the ring is out of her finger.

"AMAIRA. STOP SCREAMING. LET ME DO MY WORK." Roared Piyush. And Amaira become quite. She bared the pain without uttering a single word. She pursed her lips in order to control her tears. She shut her eyes tight and faced up towards the ceiling. She obeyed him. And just a moment later the ring was broken into half. Amaira felt relieved. She looked at her bleeding forefinger. It was deep red. She couldn't understand why he had done this to her. Only thing she could do is cry silently.

"Love? Are you okay?" Said Piyush in a concerning voice. "I'm really very sorry to hurt you. Please understand me. I want your everything to be connected or related to mine. Only mine."

Amaira nodded, tears flowing down her cheeks. "It's okay" was the only word she said, as though she was lost for words. No doubt she forgave him. She can do anything for him. It's just because she has been committed to him. She loves him.

Piyush brought his hands near Amaira's hand. She almost jumped. "Oh no, I'm not scaring you. Give me your hand." Said Piyush and Amaira forwarded her hand. Piyush smoothly cleaned her would with dettol so that it doesn't get septic from the iron. He smoothly applied some ointment and tied a bandage around her finger. Amaira looked rather pleased. As though nothing had happened to her just a few minutes back.

"Thank you" she said with a smile. Piyush smiled and put the first aid box in near by drawer and came back to Amaira. He looked into her hazel orbs as though he can find whole of pure, true and unconditional love for him.

He slowly began to remove her jewellery. First the nose ring, second the earrings, third the necklace and all the jewellery she had Including her anklets.

"I love you jaan. I love you to the fullest. Please be by my side till the end. I will never want you to leave me. I just want you. Your love and support. I love you." Wispered Piyush near her ears. Seconds later he pressed his lips against hers. They shared a passionate kiss even though Amaira had not known how to kiss she just mimicked his.
"Yes I promise I will love you and be by your side till the end of my life." said hugging him looking at the bandaged finger and thinking about her family.

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