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Piyush walked all the way back to the chamber number 6, to Dr. Rohan Pinjal. His eyes were red already. He creaked open the wooden door which had a tag of doctor's name and the chamber number.

"Oh Mr. Piyush? Do you need anything?" Said the middle aged doctor politely.

"Shut up you fool. You don't know whom you've messed with. Why did you take Amaira behind the curtains? You thought I wouldn't know, do you?" He said and pulled the doctor by his collar.

"Listen Mr. Piyush, I've never messed with you. That's only a doctors job. I respect you and I believe I'm elder to you." He said with a kind looking face.

"I'm sparing you this time. Next time I will not tolerate it. Get that?" He said and twisted poor doctor's hand which made a crack and it was clear that the bone was already broken.

The doctor's scream was muffled by Piyush covering doctor's mouth. "Shhh.. I didn't ask you to scream. Take this money and treat up your self." He said and threw some money on the table and was leaving the place.

"If you have so much of problem, why don't you treat your dear wife in some ladies hospital." Screamed the doctor from inside but Piyush already left to hear any of these.

On the way to the main door Piyush found chamber number 3, which belonged to Dr. Madhav Sharma. He was an orthopedic surgeon. Piyush's lips played a wicked smile while he knocked the door.

"Yes?" Answered Dr. Sharma from inside.

"I just wanted to inform you that one of the doctors has broken their hand and I believe it's your duty do fix that up." He winked from the door and left with a smug look on his face.

He walked all the way through the door and was heading to the car with his key rotating uncontrollably in his forefinger. He opened the car door and his heart skipped a beat. Where is Amaira..!?

It was like his world shattered, like there was no ground beneath his feet. He was speechless. He lost for words. His breath hitched. He couldn't believe that Amaira was no where to be seen and couldn't accept that Amaira has finally escaped.

"Amaira?" He said slowly utterly shocked. "AMAIRAAA..." he screamed on top of his lungs which made an echo in the partly inhibited, mountainous place.

"Nooooooooooo... This is not happening. I'll find you where you are Amaira. You can't.. You just can't run away from me." He said insanely and balled his fist which flew hardly towards the car window and broke the glass. His hand was bleeding, but he didn't care. All he wanted to know was where is Amaira.

Without any further a do he sat in the driver seat and drove off to find his wife. He dialed few numbers and informed them about Amaira and ordered them to search her as soon as possible.

"Hello Rahul, send my body guards to search Amaira. Got it? Ask them to search as quickly as possible.. Or else.. You better understand." He said to one of his police friends.

"Brace yourself Amaira. No one can rescue you once I've found you. I won't let you cross Manali's border." He thought with dark look on his face.


Amaira's POV -

I ran and ran as far as possible, as much as possible. I always wanted to escape the monster in the mask of my husband. I don't know where I'm heading to. I cannot go to my mom's place coz I know Piyush will check in there first. I cannot leave them risking their life for me. I know Piyush is going to burn up everything once he finds out that I finally managed to escape.

I found a sign board which showed Tarkesar 7 KM and I know I could get a train or bus from there. I couldn't hire any taxi as I didn't have cash with me and so I've decided to walk all the way to Tarkesar. I had to be very careful and so it was more like hiding and going. I felt more like a thief right now. I walked and walked and walked until I came to a halt at a sign board. It indicated that Tarkesar was just 2 KM away from me.

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