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It was another beautiful morning but gloomy morning for Amaira. It was worst of all the gloomy days she had had before. She didn't seem to realize what happened with her the night before. She flickered open her eyes. Waking up to face the bitter world and her cruel husband.

Her helpless hands were still tied with the belt to the headboard, but it was loose for her to pull to untie. It was hardly 4 AM in the morning. Her now dark circled, tear stained eyes, which were almost scarlet in colour due to continuous weeping, wandered here and there in the dim lit room.

She realized her husband, Piyush isn't in this room or no where around. For a moment she wished she didn't have to face Piyush for whole of her life, just like this. She somehow untied her hands and saw her wrists which now bore scars, and is red in colour.

The flash back of yesterday night was running through her mind like a slideshow. Sorrow and rage was slowly piercing her. White-hot anger crept inside her, blazing in the terrible emptiness, filling her with the desire to hurt Piyush for whatever he has done to her. It was too much, she was already shaking with rage. She seized the belt and threw it to the other side, weeping as hard as possible, clutching her hair in regret. Regret of falling in love with this man, meeting him, marrying him, trusting him and the worse, giving him chances to improve himself.

She got down the bed and stared at the picture she hung yesterday morning of Piyush and her's. She slowly un-nailed it, looked at it for sometime and flung it across the room. It shattered into tiny pieces against the wall. She seized the bed lamp and immediately threw that too, out of rage and desired to hurt Piyush.
A desire to break him too, engulfed her. But what could she do? She was helpless. She stood there, rooted to the ground, weeping hardly but silently.

She rushed to washroom to clean the places where Piyush had touched her and clean all the bruise marks which she's got due to torture. Her rage went to the extent where she hated the feeling of him touching her. She turned on the shower and stood motionless against the wall. She felt the hot water running through her body. She stared blankly at the wall for sometime and then started rubbing herself rigorously to the places where Piyush hurt or touched her. The burning hot water didn't make any difference to her, as far as the water washes off her regrets. But that didn't help out.

She was feeling more low and angry than ever before. She blamed herself for everything that's happening in her life right now. And then she took a hard decision on spot ; to end her life. She rushed out of the washroom, with still wet clothes and water dripping from her body to the floor. She went to nearby drawers and rummaged through them to find a scalpel or a blade or any goddamn thing she finds to cut herself or end her life.

After searching all the cupboards and drawers, she finally went to the corner drawer to give a last try to search this room. The drawer was old and didn't seem like it had been touched in the last few months with light dust covering it. She opened the first drawer and found it empty, except for few medicine packets and a small spider which crawled out. She was hurrying and immediately went for the second drawer. Her hands were almost shivering. She opened and closed it soon in the hurry that she won't find anything in here. But then something struck her eyes. There wasn't anything she wanted there, but then there were few papers and files in there. The first file's cover page read : 'ISK National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Delhi, India.'

The word 'Mental Health' hit her. What could the reports of a mental hospital do here, in the occasionally touched drawer? She calmed herself down and bit and sat there, picking up all the files which are there in the second and third drawer. She searched and checked one by one until she got hold of a, kind off, old papers. It seemed like doctor's prescription.

'what could these be?' she thought, slowly letting away the rage and adopting in the curiosity within her to know more about these old papers and files. Her eyes scanned the paper. It had 'ISK National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Delhi, India.' in capital, block, red letters and below that was the name of the doctor(s)
1. Joy Joseph. 2. Daniel Paul.

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