first sight

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I felt a slight tap on my shoulder, I opened my eyes to see Jake standing over me. I looked around to see that everyone had left their seats. was I really a sleep that long, I mean the hole class? I packed up my books and walked out of class with Jake traling behind me.

"hey are you ok McKenzie, that's the second time to day that you've fallin a sleep in class"

"yeh i'm fine just I didn't get any sleep last night, that's all" I said, it was true last night I was up all night trying to finish an English essay.

we walked into the cafeteria where everyone was sitting in their groups, five months that's all that was left out of my school career then I graduate. me and Jake ordered our food and went to find a seat. we sat at our normal seat like we have been for the last five years.

"hey girl" I heard a voice scream behind me it was jess, my best friend. she sat down on her boyfriends lap and made out with him for at least five minutes before returning back to me.

"so did you finish your essay, hun?" jess looked at me and it was her boyfriend who answered

"yeh she did, I can tell cause she fell asleep in class again  for the second time today and its only recess" he laughed and we all had a bit of a chuckle. in case you haven't figured out Jake and jess are dating. their both really cute together, and I hope they stay that way after we graduate.

"kenzie want to go dress shopping soon, I don't want all the good dresses to be gone'?" jess ask as we ate our lunch.

"yeh why not, how about this Saturday?"

"perfect, oh and we need to find masks to go with our dresses"

I tottaly forgot, our ball for graduation was secrets, were we all hide behind masks, thanks to my best friend, who planed it. I just love her so much.

ring ring ring !!!!

the bell went for the end of recess, so we packed up  and went to class. I now had English and I was so happy to hand in my essay because it was really good and I wanted it gone cause it was a reminder about how much sleep I didn't get last night because of it. I walked into class placed my essay on miss desk then took my seat near the window at the back as pure normal. as class officially started I was distracted as Mrs Scaterfilled walked in, the whole class fell silent and it wasn't until Miss stood up that people actually cared to see what was going on.

"everyone this is Kyle, he will be joining us from now, so please make him welcome". after miss scaterfilled announced  that she left and a sigh of relief was herd from everyone in the class. no one liked miss scaterfilled she was old and grumpy but when you got on her bad side she wasn't just grumpy. 

all gossip was herd from every girl in the class, but I was to interested in the guy standing bye the door.

"Kyle you can sit next to McKenzie" miss said pointing to me.

he walked over and dropped his bag on the floor. he had the perfect hair line, with chocolate hair and eyes. his abbs stuck out of his shirt. he was just so-

"are you done staring "he lend over and whispered in my ear.

"I-I...ugh wasn't staring, I was just observing, yeh that's right observing"

"what ever you say-"


"right McKenzie, Kyle" he said holding out his arm I shook it not wanting to be rude. 

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