home sweet home or not?

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McKenzie prov

the car ride home was silent, no one spoke. mom was in tears every ten minutes and I believe the guy sitting next to me is Kyle he was the one driving the car at the time of the accident. I don't blame him for what happened, how could I?

while I was in hospital the police came to speak to me about exactly what happened. although I was no use to them. it was Kyle who did most of the talking, only because I cant remember. apparently it was a drunk driver. and Kyle did the right thing by avoiding the car even tho we crashed. they said that because of Kyle's driving he saved my life. although unfortunately not every ones life was saved. apparently the driver crashed into a near bye shop and died at the seen because he was buried in bricks and their was nothing they could do when the car lit into flames.

I felt terrible for what happened and I didn't know what to say to Kyle who apparently is going to be my stepbrother in about six months time. its a shame since he's so hot like dam who new a seventeen year old could look like him.

I sat their staring out of the window we have been driving for about 15 minutes now. and its really boring. I have to take the next couple of days easy because they don't want me to break another bone or something since my bones are still repairing their selves.

we reached our new home apparently. so I jumped out of the car and walked to the front door. Kyle let me in because mom and Kyle had an appointment with their wedding cake designer.

wow this house is amazing, its so beautiful and big and shinny. its gorgeous.

"so want a tour of the house?"

i turned towards Kyle who was casually leaning against the door frame of the living room. i nod my head and follow him as he gives me the tour. this house is giant. at the end we stop out the front of a door up stairs. Kyle looks at me then nods his head towards the door.

"this is your room, which brings us to the end of the tour"

"thank you Kyle i really appreciate it"

with that i walk into my room and take in the smell and design of this place. the room is white and the walls are painted a nice creamy yellowish colour which looks great. the carpet is nice and soft and the bed is so comfy.

McKenzie's room^

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McKenzie's room^

as i'm lying down on my bed i hear a nock at my door. when they enter i come face to face with Kyle. i cant believe he's going to be my brother. he comes and sits on my bed where i had just patted the space were he can sit.

"listen McKenzie, im sorry for the accident, i wish it turned out different i really do, but i thought that you should have this back" he pulled out a bag from behind his back. how i did not see this before i do not know. i took it from his hand and pulled out an amazing red dress. it was so pretty how is this mine?

"this is mine?"

"yeh you brought the day of the accident, and you also freaked out about not buying a mask which is what i got hear" he handed me a mask which went with the dress. i think im gonna like this guy.

"thank you" i say and give him a hug. we stay like that for a while. then pull away when i hear my phone go off. unlocking the screen i see that i got a message from jake.

Jake: hey baby how are you, i cant wait to see you Monday miss you so much, I'm so glade that your finally a wake i knew you would make it stupid doctor said you might not make it but hear you are, love you baby girl keep me posted xx Jake

MC: hey jake i miss you two ill see you Monday or tomorrow since it is sunday. just to let you know im doing fine love you xx

Jake: love you 2 see you soon xx

i know im rushing things but i really want to go back to school i miss my friends and its my last year i want to enjoy it as much a s i can. mom said i shouldn't but then agreed when Kyle said he would look after me.

i looked at the time and saw that it was nine thirty. i pulled back the covers of my blanket and layed down waiting for darkness to take me under.

i walked down the stairs and entered the kitchen. i decided that i was going to have a pie for dinner so i placed one in the oven. the next thing i new ,i was being pushed up against  the kitchen counter. i let out a small moan as he slowly nibbled at my neck. leaving a trail of kiss he made his way up to my mouth and smashed his lips against mine. i couldn't help but feel a tingle of sensation flow through my body.

he paced me on the counter and kissed me until i pulled back for breath. we were both panting  and it was when he slid his hands under my tank top that i realised what was happening. i pushed hard against his chest but he didn't move.

"get off of me Kyle, we cant do this" the way he touched me left sparks shooting through my body like electricity. i let out a small moan not being able to control my self.

"why not McKenzie, i know you want to" he was right i did want to but i couldn't. he put his hands between my thighs and started to stroke up and down. leaving me out of breath.

"your my stepbrother for gods sake"  i left a trail of kiss along my collar bone and i let out another moan then the feeling was gone when i couldn't feel his sweet lips against my skin. 

i woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. i groan getting out of bed and heading to my shower, stripping off my cloths i step under the hot water and let it slid down my body removing anything like dirt. once i was done i grabbed my towel and head to my wardrobe where i picked out my out fit for to day. i decided to go with my white top with a black skirt and tie. i picked my black high heals then sat at my dressing table.

 i picked my black high heals then sat at my dressing table

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McKenzie's outfit

i decided to curl my hair today since it would look good with my outfit. i then applied a little mascara then lip gloss. i grabbed my backpack from the closet placed my books and other things ill need for today. i was going back to school today. and i wanted to show people that i wasn't affected bye the accident and i didn't want any one to know that i had lost my memory.

i walked down stairs and greeted everyone as i entered the kitchen. witch to my surprize was just Kyle. just then the memories from last nights dream rushed through my head and i felt my checks heat up.

"are you ok McKenzie?"

"yeh just peachy that's all"

i new he didn't belive me but how can i tell him that i have dreams about him?

hey guys so McKenzie is out of hospital yaayy. but now she is having dreams about Kyle could she actually have feelings for him? who knows and will her memories come back to her and if they do will they wreck everything? keep reading to find out.

hey guys id like to know what you think of the story so far so please comment. Lots of love bella xx

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