How Can I?

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Kyle's prov

the air was cold as i lay their. i opened my eyes to find the young man from before who helped me with McKenzie sitting down on a chair. why is he hear? as i sat up straight he cought my gaze and gave me a small smile.

"hey son how are you feeling?"

how was i feeling? i didn't really know? all i new was that if McKenzie dies its all my fault. please hope that shes ok. please god let her be ok, please.

"im fine i guess, not being rude why are you hear?"

"i couldn't leave you with out knowing you were ok"

"oh ok thank you"

my minds thinks back to McKenzie and tears start to run down my face once more.

"is my sister?"

his face turns pale and my hart almost stops. what happened to McKenzie please don't let her be dead.

"i haven't herd anything from the doctor all i know is that they got her berthing again, they took her to grace hospital. im very sorry".

"how long have i been out?'

"about an hour, kid you need to call your parents no one knows your names and they must be very worried"

i look down into my lap as the tears keep falling. how was i going to tell them that McKenzie almost died and i don't know anything about her condition or if she is still alive.

like if reading my thoughts Jacob spoke up.

"did you want me to call them?"

i nod my head "could you i don't think i could face it"

and with that he held out his hand and i handed him my phone.

Nick's prov

it's five o'clock and McKenzie and kyle are not  home yet kacy said i shouldn't worry and that their probably out having food or something. but i got a weird feeling about this.

at five o six's i can feel my phone buzzing in my back pocket. looking at the screen and see Kyle's number pop up. i quickly answer it finding out its not kyle.

"hello im Jacob i think theirs something you should know"

my insides go cold and i call dad and kacy into the room. when they enter five seconds later i put the phone on speaker.

"hi Jacob what are you doing with my brothers phone and where is he?"

"your brother is fine he's at the hospital and i offered to call you for him cause he is still in shock"

"what do you mean shock and hospital?"

my insides went cold i looked over to dad and kacy their faces were both as white as snow.

"i believe your daughter lots her memory correct?"

"yes correct" dad answered.

"im very sorry but your daughter stopped breathing i found your son trying to wake her up and when i got to him he was in tears. i checked her breathing and pulse and found nothing i tried CPR until the paramedics got their i was unsuccessful full but i believe the paramedics got her breathing again"

i had tears string down my checks, i didn't even know the girl properly and i was crying. i felt terrible. the thought of losing McKenzie made the tears fall faster and i felt like i couldn't breath. dad was hugging kacy because she was a mess that's when i took the phone off speaker.

"what hospital are you at Jacob?"

"the local one on Jorge street"

"ok we will be their in 15 minutes"

me, dad and kacy all jumped into the car and in about less than 10 minutes were running through the hospital to where Jacob said they would be. when we reached his room we found him on the bed. his face was white as hell and his eyes were red and swollen from crying.

NO ones prov

they jumped in to the car again after they were sure it was ok for kyle to go. they got information from a doctor who told them where McKenzie would be. after half an hour of driving they reached the other hospital where she was staying. a doctor met them at the entrance and explained what has happened in the last three hours.

"your daughter is very luckily to be alive but i don't know if we can release her any time soon. when we did your daughter's test her test results came through and we got the biggest surprise of all. im very sorry but your daughter has Leukemia"

kacy fell to the floor with bill holding on to her for dear life. both boys looked at each other and it was when kyle started crying that nick walked over and hugged him. they stayed like that for a while. both boys needing the company of each other.

the next couple of months were going to be hard and the boys new they needed each other. in that matter of time they both forgave each other with small smiles which they found hard at a time like this. they then walked over to bill and kacy and gave them the warmest and biggest smiles they could possibly offer.

sorry guys another small chapter.

do you guys think McKenzie will make it comment what you think should happen if she makes it or not and if she does what boy gets the chance to take her to her prom?

comment share and vote till next time xx

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