home sweet home

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McKenzie's prov

mom comes home today I cant wait. in fact she should be home any second. I found out that nick is moving in with us he picked the room across the hall from mine. he seems very secretive which makes me want to find out and know more about him.

he told me a little bit about his past and about his mom. he described his little sisters as annoying but lovable. but he want open up anymore than just that. which really gets on my nerves.

I noticed something going on between him and Kyle. they haven't really spoken to each other only when I make them talk they actually talk other then that they totally forget about the other one. the looks they each other say something else. is like their not even brothers.

Nick ahs explained that he tried to reach out to his brother about a year ago but was rejected. I felt so bad for him, he didn't even do something worth hating. I think Kyle just needs time to relies that, and I hope its soon.

im sitting on the couch watching a horror movie when I hear something being dragged from behind me. I look around and see nothing the floor is clear so what on earth....

"ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! quick Kyle! Nick! someone's trying to kill me!" just then I could hear laughter coming from a male form on the floor right in front of me. I look down to see nick rolling on the floor in tears from laughing to much. I stood up then kicked him in the guts. I could hear around of a pause coming from the door way.

"who new are stepsister had the guts to kick someone in the guts, even if its her own brother".

"yeh see that's what I call girl power now scram the both of you before I do it again but this time it will be your heads" the boys got up and ran for their lives while I sat down and continued my movie. 

I cant remember exactly what happened in the movie because I fell asleep but I woke up to the sound of two failure voices coming from the door way. I got up and ran my hardest into my mothers arms. luckily she caught me but we both ended up falling to the floor nocking bill over with us.  

"I've missed you mommy and you two bill" I say with a wink.

"I've missed you two Hun, now where are the boys?" he asked me, I didn't have to answer because they both came down the stairs with grins of their own. nick was still clutching his guts tho. geez the kick wasn't even that hard and you deserve it from scaring me I say to my self before focusing on my surroundings.

"hey dad" bill greets giving him a quick hug.

"hey son, how was everything hear no house party's while we were away?"

"I wish dad"

"hey dad, hey kacy how are you both and congratulations so I didn't come to the wedding I had work and I couldn't get out of it" nick greets his dad with a manly hug the my mother with a kiss on each side of her checks. what manors.

"hey nick its nice to see you again, are you staying for good this time son?"

"yeh dad if that's ok?" 

"its perfectly fine son im glad to have you back"

we all entered into the living room and I begged them to tell me how it was and that they cant leave out a single detail. 

"we McKenzie we had an amazing time..."

Nicks prov

I walked down the stairs to find my dad just being nock over bye one of McKenzie's killer hugs. I couldn't help but laugh. what a girl. my gut still hurt from where she kicked me but her face was price less when I scared her. geez i'll never get over that.

"hey dad, hey kacy how are you both and congratulations so I didn't come to the wedding I had work and I couldn't get out of it" I say. they invited me to the wedding but I had work and I couldn't have my brother know I was in town yet.

"hey nick its nice to see you again, are you staying for good this time son?"

"yeh dad if that's ok?"

"its perfectly fine son im glad to have you back"

we all entered into the living room where McKenzie was begging our parents to tell us every thing. god she was pretty. she had her hair tied up in a messy bun and her make up from yesterday was still noticeable but looked good. she was wearing a tank top that showed some of her skin. she also wore black track suit pants that showed off her ass really well.

I couldn't help but smile as she got every detail out of her mom. even the privet parts about when her and bill did it. McKenzie was such a child. but it was adorable the way she acted.

Kyle's prove

my dad stood up and directed his attention to me.

"kyle I would like to show you something so if you would please follow me" I did as he asked and followed him to the front door.

"now son close your eyes and no peaking"

dad lead to me what I think was the drive way. when we stoped he waited for everyone to catch up. I herd a gasp I think coming fro McKenzie.

"ok son you can open"

when I did my eyes widened when I saw a red corvette sitting right in front of me. what the hell!

Kyle's  new car^

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Kyle's  new car^

it looked amazing.

"is this mine?" I asked

"yes son we owed you a new car so hear it is" he handed me the keys and my eyes lit up with tears. I grabbed dad and gave him a killer hug.

I cant believe it this baby was mine. I cant wait to show it of at school.

hey guys, so Kyle got a new car! isn't it amazing, id love to have a car like that. which leads us to our question

what kind of car would you like to have and what colour would it be?

mine would defiantly be that one or a hot pink  Lamborghini

hope you like the book don't forget to vote and comment! xx

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