my new ride

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McKenzie's  prov

I woke up for the first time in a while without a worry. today was going to be a good day I just new it. I got up out of bed and headed to the shower. I stayed under the hot water for a while the hopped out and wrapped my self in a towel. as I headed towards my closet I herd a nock at the door. sh*t was only in a towel. what to do. what to do.

before I could do anything my door opened to reveal a sexy nick. he stared at me for a minute then turned his attention back to my face. wow if he was like any other guy I know he would of keep staring but lucky for me he's not like any other guys.

"hey did you need a ride to school?'

"umm yeh if that's ok"

"yeh its fine McKenzie I did offer"

"true um i'll be done in 45 minutes at the latest"

"ok take your time...actually don't cause you will be late. i'll see you down stairs".

"ok" and with that nick left me to my thoughts. I put on my school uniform then did my hair and make up. when I was satisfied with my look I grabbed my back pack and head down stairs closing my door behind me.

I sat down at the counter and plied my plate with toast. I could feel someone staring at me so I turned to find Kyle just standing their. creepy.  

"ummm... Kyle?"


"why are you staring at me?"

"oh sorry I was ughhh... day dreaming"

"oh ok"

"did you need a ride to school?"

"no nicks giving me one"

Kyle's face instantly dropped. I new he hated that name and he told me not to say it around him. geez he really hates him. what a shame cause nick's a really nice guy.

"ok see you at school"


Kyle walked out the house and towards his new car. but at that very moment nick walk in and bumped into him. the glair he gave nick was not mistaken. honestly boys grow up.

"good morning nick"

"morning McKenzie, are you ready to go?"

"yup lets go"

we all walked to our cars, me and nick in his BMW and Kyle in his red corvette.

the ride to school was silent. I looked out the window and started to stair at the passing houses and buildings. we really did have a beautiful town. it was small and everyone new each other. but that wasn't a problem. I really liked the way how no building really looked the same. they all had something special about them. wether it was red brick, white brick, small windows, big windows. they all had their own features.

before I new it we were parked out the front of my school. school students hung around the gates and I just spotted my group near the entrance. I jumped out and greeted them all with a hug. I then turned back to nick and gave him a wave.

"whos the guy?"

I turned to face jess and a smile appeared on my face. "that's my brother" I watched as they all gasped for air. wow I never new I had this affect on them. lol.


"yeh he's bill's older son, I know right who new he had another song and a hot one at that"

we all laughed and headed in to the school as the bell had just rang. I walked my way through the corridors and towards my locker. I got a few nasty glairs  and a few pity ones to. I forgot the last time I was at school was when Julia had hit me two weeks ago. mom spoke to the principle and he had some of my school work sent home so I didn't miss out on anything. schools a big thing for me I've always study hard and my work pays off cause I end up getting an 'b' or an ' a'.

I felt a small tap on my shoulder and turned to find kyle just standing their. I then noticed that all students have cleared from the corridors. shit I was lost in my thoughts and now im late, great. just great.

"hey kyle is something wrong"

"do you like nick?"

"what no why would I?"

"no reason" he went to walk off but I stopped him bye gripping onto his arm and spun him around. "do you want to watch a movie or something later?" I ask. I don't know why I asked I just didn't want him to walk away from me. cause that's all hes been doing lately.

"yeh why not"

my insides lit up. he said yes. wow who new I had actually wanted him to say yess.

"ok great see you at home then"

"yeh will do"

we both walked off to our first period classes. lucky for me mine was math with my best friends. I cant wait for tonight its going to be perfect.

Kyle's prov 

she was sitting at the counter in her sweet school uniform. she was just so pretty. I cant believe I haven't told her about my feelings towards her yet. I didn't know I was staring until she turned around.

"ummm... Kyle?"


"why are you staring at me?"

"oh sorry I was ughhh... day dreaming"

"oh ok"

"did you need a ride to school?"

"no nicks giving me one"

when she said that name my insides fell. nick. of course how did I not see this coming I new he was going to make my life a living hell. and hes gonna do that by taking away McKenzie. for f**k sakes. why did he have to come back.

"ok see you at school"


I turned to walk to my car but instead I ran into nick. my insides went cold. hes always their isn't he. I turned and walked out the door into my car. why him. was all I thought when I pulled out the drive way.

the ride to school. was epic. the way she drives is absolutely amazing. her reflection bounces off the shop windows and people stare as I Cruz down the streets of our small town.

when I reach school everyone is in their small groups around the gates. I stay in my car and make sure I got everything. I then step out and shut the door behind me walking towards my group of friends I press a button that locks my car for me.

 I swearer every one thinks im out of a movie well the girls do any way. a small smile appears on my face and I give a random girl a wink as I continue to walk to my group. I can see in the corner of my eye that the girls checks have gone a bright red and I give my self a fist pup in my head for victory. only if that was McKenzie.  

I see McKenzie near her locker not  ware that the bell had just gone. I tap her shoulder lightly. she jumps a little and I note to self that she gets scared easily.

"hey kyle is something wrong"

"do you like nick?"

"what no why would I?"

I regret asking her this but I wanted to know the truth. when she said no I felt like the world has just been taken off my shoulders.

"no reason"

"do you want to watch a movie or something later?"

when she asked this my insides did a little flip. wow did she just ask me to spend time with her. her checks flustered  a pink red and I gave her a small innocent smile.

"yeh why not"

my insides lit up. he said yes. wow who new I had actually wanted him to say yess.

"ok great see you at home then"

"yeh will do"

I walked off down the hall with a grin on my face. I cant wait for this evening I really cant. looking over my shoulder I watch as McKenzie walks to her next class. she is really one of a kind.

hey guys tell me what you think. love you all xx

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