playing with feelings

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Kyle's prov

the wedding went really well, everyone had a great time, especially dad and kacy, their off on their honey moon in Paris. as we speak.

McKenzie has been spending more time out of the house with Jake and jess. I haven't really spoken to her since the wedding. Jake says she's just missing her mom, apparently they haven't been apart this long since her dad died so that explains another reason.

their was a nock at the door, I look at my phone and see that's its 1:00 in the morning. who could that be? walking to the door I grab a base ball bat and unlocked the locks.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw what was standing right in front of me...

McKenzie's prov

the air was nice and fresh, the stars were shinning like a million souls. we sat their in the company of each other not bothering to talk or even make a sound. I have been staying with Jake for the last week, I've gone home once or twice but I don't like it when moms gone I feel unsafe and I don't trust anyone else but Jake, I've know him all my life we were born at the same time same day and our mothers are best friends.

the sand crumbled under our feet and the waves crashed against the shore all most touching us but to far away to reach. we have been sitting hear for at least three hours already. Kyle's tried to call me but I keep denying his calls. I don't feel like talking to anyone at the moment and I'm still getting used to him being my stepbrother.

"kenzie do you want a blanket?" I nod my head and Jake raps me in one making all my cold joints heat up under the warmth of it. I look at my phone and see that's its 1:00 in the morning. I lay my head on Jakes shoulder and drift off thinking about everything that happened this year.

I can feel the blanket slowly falling off me, as the strong pair of arms lays me down on the back seat. I groan as I hear the sound of the engine roaring to life. I didn't relies that  I had fallen a sleep and what time was it? I roll over and end up on the floor of the car.


"are you ok McKenzie"

I turn to face Jake and give him a sleepy smile. "yeh I'm fine, Jake what time is it?" I ask.
"its 4:36 in the morning we fell a sleep on the beach, were heading back to yours so you can grab some clean cloths and you can have rest their two if you like" " ok thx Jake". and with that I fell back to darkness.

the sun was  shinning bright as we splashed each other. "hey that's not fair" i say as he splashes me then pushes me under the water. I fight my way up to the surface and slap him across the face.

"hey what was that for"

"gee I don't know how about you trying to kill me!"

"I did no such thing"

the look on his face reminded me of a little kid and I couldn't help but let out a little chuckle. I felt hands on my hips and I turned to see him smiling down on me, he has the most prettiest smile, how I didn't notice this before.

we both moved in and our lips connected sending sparks straight through me. I slid my hands around his neck as he wrapped my legs around his waist, he walked back wards and out of the pool. when we pulled away for air I grabbed his hand and lead him up stairs.

reaching my room he pushed me up against the wall  and I once again wrapped my legs around his waist . I let out a small moan as he nibbled down my neck. I new this would leave marks but I didn't care. he placed me down on the bed carefully and slid his hands under my shirt. in a matter of seconds my shirt was removed leaving me in my bikini. he stayed on top of me as he removed his shirt than shorts leaving him completely naked. I admired his body and traced every inch of his abbs with my fingers.

he was so tanned  and his abbs stuck out perfectly. I untied the back of my bikini and lot it fall he then slid his hands down to my waist and looked at me with such passion and love. I nod my head as I allow him to slid off my undies. we were both completely naked now and he started to leave kiss all the way down my neck. when his hand found my clit I let out a small moan as he rubbed it in circles.

"you like that don't you baby girl"

I nod my head as a moan escapes my lips.

"McKenzie wake up" I look at him with a confessed look...

I wake up to the sound of my name and the slight push of a hand against my shoulder.
"Jake why did you wake me up?"

"because were hear" he says pointing to my house. I let out a small grunt and jump out of the car. we walk up to the door but I stop in my tracks when I can hear yelling coming from inside.

"I told you not to come back...."

hey guys hears the new chapter hope you enjoy xx its a little short I promises for longer chapters :)

please comment and vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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